Chapter thirty-three

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Peter woke up with bucky shaking him. He couldn't hear anything and his vision was slightly blurry but he could see the fire. Fire surrounded him.

"Pete, PETER can you hear me???"

His head snapped towards bucky, his senses now in full motion.

"Yeah, what the fuck happened?"

Bucky slightly laughed and pulled him up from the floor. Peter paused and looked around.

"Tony, bucky where is Tony?" Peter looked at buckys face and before he could even answer his hands were on him.

"Bucky I swear to God. Me, you and Steve all have some genetic ability. Fire? Piece of cake. Tony? He's human. And so help me if he is dead and you have decided to help me first im gonna-"

"Woahhh right okay soldier calm down. Steve's got him, he is unconscious but he's fine."

Peter immensely calmed down at the fact tony was alright. His second worry is what even happened?

It was only the floor that the boys were on that was up in flames, so it was taken care of pretty fast. Steve moved Tony to a differnt level and to medical care, just incase. He knew if he didn't Peter would anyway and then kill him so he may aswell. Not long after Steve took Tony to the infirmary, Bucky and Peter arrived.

"Is he okay? what happened? is he awake? is he hurt?" Peter bolted in with a million questions. The doctor took Peter aside and answered his million questions.

"You know when i woke him up he almost tried to kill me"

"what, why?"

"He thought I just left Tony to die and woke him up. He was about to beat me to death."

"He really does love him, not that great at saying it but showing it? differnt story eh?"

the pair just chuckled.

After Tony had woken up and Peter made sure he was 100% alive, Tony had asked jarvis to go over the footage and find out what caused it.

"Well before we were hit with what I have identified as a rocket , our alarms only went off when it had mere seconds away from hitting us. It also seems like an accident, funnily enough. It was shot by a building across from us. By this man."

Tony thought he would need to look into his security more if he has no warning of rockets flying into his building. Then when the very familiar picture of a certain red suited man popped up, he figured it had something to do with him.

"Oh hey I know that guy"

Peter said , very casually. Tony , on the other hand , was very shocked.To say the least.

"Hm? sorry what? you know him? how exactly do you know Deadpool? The mercenary? that kills for fun? all that good stuff yeah? yeah when do you hang out with him , on killing sprees?"

Tony's blabbering out all in one.

"If you must know , he comes with me. When I do my nightly runs , you know just incase. And hey he doesn't kill for fun he only kills bad guys."

"huh right yeah okay"

Tony didn't belive a word Peter said but there wasn't much he could do. After that Peter left , didn't say where he was going but he left in a hurry.

Not long after , coincidently, there was a smash. Steve and Bucky went straight to check it out since tony couldn't exactly move.

When they walked into the sitting area , there was a nervous deadpool and a very angry Peter dragging him by the ankle.

" Hey okay Pete we can talk about this hm? you know it was an accident and I would actully blow up your lover boy okay because THIS would happen!"

Deadpool was trying to save him self from Peter beating him to death , immortal or not.

Peter dragged him all the way into the room tony was his and dropped his ankle with a thud.

"Owwwweee peterrr be gentleee" Deadpool just wined and rubbed his ankle.

"Okay , explain." Peter death stared deadpool. And he gave a nervous chuckle back.

"Okay SO. I was paid by this guy uh we will call Frank okay? so Frank tells me there is this real big guy just selling children so obviously I'm like wtf you can't just sell children? SO I find out where this big guy is and I go to his place and kill him right? Then I set free All the little children happy ever after. WELL that's how it was supposed to go. UNTIL I find out he was actully working WITH Frank, crazy right? So then I had to kill Frank but Frank has a drug dealing business that he smuggles in with , drum roll please. WEAPONS! and the weapons he was dealing tonight were rocket launchers, wooo! SO I took one of Frank's rocket launchers and killed him and then I shot one at the big guy but big guy then fell off the building. so there was that.. BUT the rocket that I fired ended up getting sent straight into your building. Therefore you here blah blah you know. SO deepest apologies really hope that arm calms down and yeah!"

"He said sorry , now you say sorry"

Deadpool and Tony both look  confused as each other.

"What? why do I have to apologise?"

"Because you said bad things about him. and he is my friend. and he didn't mean to put u in a hospital bed. he was saving the little children, so say sorry."

"Awww I'm your frieennnddd. (very big gasp) AM I YOUR BESTFRIEND?? AWWWW SPIDEYYYY" Deadpool has wrapped his whole body around Peter while he just stands there. Not much he can do anyways.

Tony on the other Hand has had enough of other people being near Peter never mind rubbing all over him.

"If I apologise will you get the fuck off my boyfriend?"

"......yeah sure okay"

Deadpool eventually got off of Peter and headed on his way. Said he was hungry or something along those lines.

Steve and bucky went back to their room for a much needed sleep, and Peter crawled into Tony's bed and fell asleep in his arms.

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