midnight chocolates~

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Osamu x Suna

It was late at night, precisely around 12 pm, the twins were soundly asleep after a long day at practice; only simple, but quiet snores escaped their mouths in a slow and rhythmic pattern. Well, that was until an awful squeaky sound came from Osamu's window. 

There was also a sound of drawers opening and sounds of rummaging through plastic and rappers; what on earth was going on in Osamu's room?

Osamu shifted in his bed and squinted his eyes at the figure sitting right next to him on the floor with a box in hand- their face only inches apart.

"Jesus?", Osamu questioned at the man in front of him, no, it was not Jesus in fact, he didn't have a stubble: though he had a weird-ass haircut.

"The fuc-", before Osamu could even comprehend, recognize or even finish his sentence his mouth was stuffed with an oddly familiar taste of sweet and creamy chocolate. IT WAS HIS SECRET STASH OF CHOCOLATE HE HAND MADE!

Osamu quickly chewed the sweet piece of sugar in his mouth before trying to understand what the hell was even happening, this guy sure is going to get slapped- not for breaking into the house, but for touching Osamu's things! How dare he!

Osamu quickly sat up straight grabbing the stranger from the back of their head; Osamu did a quick examination of their face before yelling, "YOU-", wait a minute... He recognises that face... From somewhere at least..? That's when it clicked to Osamu's mind, it was Suna the entire time. "What the hell are you doing here!?", Osamu whispered loudly, didn't want to wake the neighbours up and make them mad, though it's not like Atsumu already doesn't.

"You *munch* promised me chocolates yesterday- *bite* arnd yo-u didn't bring them to practice today as you- *swallow* you said you would", Suna replied with a deadpan expression still munching on the sweets with no shame, he looked as if what he was doing was a completely normal thing to do when someone forgets your chocolates.

"I said I was sorry and I would bring them tomorrow for the entire team dumbass!", Osamu said now things making a lot more sense but still pissed. "Couldn't you have just waited like a normal person?", Osamu now let go and got out of his bed next to Suna on the floor. "Pft, what makes you think I have patience?", Suna replied sarcastically.

"Well-", Osamu tried to think of a reason, but ended with none, "yeah, fair enough, I guess", he sighed at las, grabbing one of the creamy sweets out of the package. "Do you even realize why I made these for practice?", Osamu said looking directly into Suna's eyes with a cocked eyebrow; "Mmmhm, why?", He asked, somewhat expecting Osamu may have put questionable things in it.

"These things are like 20% sugar and 50% caffeine, these were made to boost your energy up and keep you awake", Osamu chuckled out stuffing his remaining piece of chocolate into Suna's mouth. Suna's eyes widened, he made them so Suna could be a bit more energetic for tomorrow's practice match. "YOU BITC-", He was cut off by Osamu placing a finger over his mouth.

Osamu gave Suna a mischievous yet challenging look. 

"Wanna eat the whole box together?" 

"Oh, you're on"

That's how they ended up doing 10 extra laps the next morning for arriving to school at 2 in the afternoon, Kita even questioned why they even bothered to come in the first place.


☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆










WOo! First part finished!

This was a pretty short chapter but ye. Considering it was made while I was procrastinating about revising for my exams, I don't think I did half bad.

requests are open and if you've seen any grammatical mistakes... no you didn't (✿◡‿◡)

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