late birthday present (2)

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quite sobs mixed with the continuous hiccups and sniffles, he knew better to not waste his time on such things, it was a waste of time, but it couldn't be helped. His eyes trailed to the ticking clock above the TV.


He could hardly believe his eyes as if they were deceiving him.
He was now reconsidering if he should call Daich or not.
"Sugawara, stop crying, you're stronger than this, he could be busy..."
But then his mind started to wander off on its own to not such good excuses...
"No! He wouldn't cheat on me, he's not like that"
But these thoughts couldn't be helped either
There was a small festival right outside as well
the bright lights, delicious food stands, the chattering of couples and families enjoying themselves.
When a stone suddenly came at his window
"What the fu-"
He got up quickly and picked it up, thinking it was just some stupid kids throwing rocks around.

There was a note stuck on it, it was a big white pebble with a red and gold-rimmed bow on it, with it there was writing on the note; 'To the place where you love the most, where you found that love the place that brought you upon to here that you are'.

Quite a strange note, Sugawara wasn't bothered, he was too sad to try and figure out the note, he threw it back out of his window; deciding to collapse onto his bed and try and get some great, the tears imprinted onto his cheeks.
He dismissed the note as a confession or a prank.


He just watched the time tick, counting the minutes down. Hypnotized by the minute arm. His body was paralyzed to leave his mind to wander back to the dark thoughts.


20 minutes left...

One could say Sugawara wanted to end the year with a fiancé, but I guess not...
I need you...
I need you...
I need you right now...

He hugged the pillow tightly, looking back up at the ceiling, "there's no point in sulking...", he quietly whispered to himself. He got up, deciding to tidy everything up, and just pretend this day didn't occur. He was swiftly picked up the plates to put in the sink. There was a sudden banging at the door, loud and frantic.
Sugawara didn't want to speak to anyone right now...
He hoped whoever was at the door would leave once they think no one's home
But they didn't. They were persistent.
Sugawara rushed to the door.
He stopped midway, his voice faltering from anger to utter shock.

There he was, right in front of Sugawara, Daichi, standing there panting heavily with his hands on his knees, as if he came here trying to run a marathon.
"What're you-", Sugawara couldn't finish his sentence, a sudden knot had created itself in his stomach

He was going to puke, he ran to the restroom, with Daichi following right behind, he flung himself over the toilet trying to keep his mind under control. Letting his stomach take control, he gave out what was left of him.
"Suga... wara-"
He kneeled down next to him, holding his hair up and back

After a few minutes~

BOOM! pewww~ whooOoo~
(I tried my best to make firework sounds don't judge me 👁️💧👄💧👁️)

Both of them got up and looked behind, the fireworks had set, the vibrant colours eliminating the dark sky, showering it with words of the year, the colours exploding with the exciting cheer of the crowds, tears of joy and sadness could be heard from all around.
Daichi looked into Sugawara's misty eyes, the trail of crying left on his cheeks, he placed a gentle hand on it, Sugawara melting into the touch; Daich kissed him, not caring he just barfed out his insides a minute ago, he wrapped his hands around the latter s waist.

Sugawara wrapped his around Daichi's neck.
"You know..."
Daichi began.

"This was and is one of the best years of my life, there were upsetting ones at times, but nothing matters when I'm with you"
"Do you remember when we first kissed?"

Sugawara paused, "Yeah... I remember it like it was yesterday", a small fond smile creeping onto his face.
Daichi interrupted,
"Nothing matters as much as you in my life, you are my one and only, if I were ever to put my life on the line for someone it would be you... But for that I would have to love that person... And-"
Sugawara's face was in a mixture of concern and timidity
"And- I think, no- I know I have found the person"
Daichi kneeled down once again
"So... Are you willing to spend the rest of our lives together?

Sugawara began crying
"Are you crying because you're happy...?"
"I'm getting proposed to in a fucking bathroom for god's sake..."
Sugawara cried out
"Oh- um well, you threw the note back out the window and I didn't really have a choice!"
Sugawara ran out of the bathroom







Sugawara ran into the living room frantically searching, he picked up the box he threw earlier opening it and looking at the gold ring in it.
He turned around to Daichi who was standing scared of rejection
"You dumbass...", Sugawara began, "I love you".

Daichi grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into a kiss, right on the strike of the clock, as it turned into 01/01/2022

the beginning of a new chapter.






"I love you too"


omg, I love this story, I swear my heart was swelling up when writing this 😭
If you haven't found your beloved
this is for you as a reminder that time is just an illusion to distract yourself from reality, enjoy it while it still lasts :)

And hopefully, you receive what you truly deserve one day, because doing good will always bring you good, not on the same day, but one day that is :)


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