The Forest of the Dead

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Forest of the Dead, Wesdarath, Mia

Being surrounded by Human Empire soldiers makes Mia Zancale feel like a prisoner in enemy territory rather than an ally called to assist in a supernatural threat. Then again, it was not long ago that the empire and dark realm were enemies and at war. Only through hard work did both sides come to a peace, and for the “emperor,” it was not an easy task.

Before Jaymes cemented his rule through the Dark Territory’s longstanding Law of Power, he introduced to the realm the Peace Pact of the Five Peoples in the Dark Territory, binding the five races to each other and forbidding some of their “less civilized ways”. Initially, the goblins, giants, and mages’ guild rejected the proposal, but after “harsh negotiations” and taking claim of the Dark Territory through the Law of Power, Jaymes got what he wanted. In exchange, he gave majority rule to the dark realms’ leaders with Iskahn in charge as Commander, with him only extending his hand (or sword) when it involved the empire or when his input was necessary. He refuses to completely exert his power as emperor, and for the five races, there has been a mixed reaction.

If she ever wondered how long the demihumans will tolerate humans, she really wonders how much longer the other humans will tolerate a human of the opposing realm as their de facto ruling. Commander Iskahn does his job well enough to maintain the illusion of power, but Mia has a feeling the other human groupings, particularly the mages, wish they were at the top. If the only thing preventing dissent is the blade that slew the all-powerful Vecta, it won’t be long before even that fear is gone.

But no matter what happens, her loyalty is to Jaymes.

Mia was a knight-in-training when Emperor Vecta returned and decreed that the Dark Territory will invade the Human Empire. Shortly after, she learned that Vecta had executed the former Dark Knight Commander Vixur ul Shasta and her older sister Lipia Zancale after they attempted to murder him. It broke her heart to hear that, but the news of her sister and the commander’s deaths had been avenged by a powerful swordsman from the empire and they were visiting alleviated her pain. When she saw the one who slew Vecta was not an Integrity Knight, certainly not the lady in gray armor who came as well, but a young man just slightly older than her, it confused her. Then she saw a taste of the power he commanded when he subjugated the Supreme Commander in combat. Unlike Vecta, he didn’t kill the leaders, but he did enough to make them submit, Brunhild’s sister among them, and then and there she understood why Iskahn and Lilpilin sided with him.

By the time the pact was fully agreed upon, she was still a knight-in-training, but wasn’t a page to anyone. It was one night shortly afterwards while doing light solo training that Jaymes came down to the training yard. For the first time, she spoke to him, and told him her story and how thankful she was that Shasta and Lipia’s deaths were avenged. He then challenged her to a duel of swords and bows, which he stopped both times before a victor could be determined. He then asked for her rank, and after hearing she wasn’t a full knight, he nodded and let her be. The next morning, she’s the page to the strongest warrior in the dark realm.

She thought she knew the hidden ruler of the Dark Territory, so at first, there was an awkward air between them. He is the emperor, she’s not even a knight, but as time passed, the barrier between them broke into what it is now. Publicly, except around some audiences, she’s his loyal shadow; privately...well, she wishes she was more than what she is, but she finds entertainment in teasing the man. She prays one day he’ll just give in to her teasing and see her as a sister of sorts, but that might be the desire of someone who longs for an older sibling figure again. She doesn't see him in a romantic light, she has feelings for another, but if she did, the competition is already stiff.

For one, he already avoids any encounters with the women of the Underworld, no matter how hard (and annoying) they try. Second, the only women close to him other than her and Brunhild that she knows of is Lady Medina, Lady Eydis, and the one called Asuna. Lady Medina has been by Obsidia Castle once since the end of the war, before he took, and Lady Eydis was around plenty during his early times there before Mia was his page. But as far as she can remember, the Integrity Knight has not been around since he took the role of emperor.

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