The Apprentice of Medina Orthinanos

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For Ilia Ordonia, the second daughter and youngest child of her sixth-rank noble class family, not much was expected of her in the old regime. Her brother would have been the next head of the family estate in mid-Norlangarth, her older sister would (and will) marry into a prestigious family. Her father, because of that, allowed Ilia to do as she pleased. The young girl decided her path would be to graduate from the northern swordsman academy and probably become an Integrity Knight. She had exceptional skill at the sacred arts, but her swordsmanship was average at best. Yet it was her goal, so from the age of seven until she entered the Northern Swordscraft Academy at fifteen, she did her best.

Almost two years ago, when she finished her examinations and was selected as one of the top twelve in her class at rank nine, it surprised her. She didn't think she'd rank so high amongst the nobility or her class, given most nobles who applied have trained since they could walk. Ilia was even more surprised by how early she was selected. She expected to be last, not fifth in line, and not by a certain redhead girl she's heard all about.

Every Norlangarthian noble family knows the 'defective' Orthinanos family. But she never paid much attention to the rumors, it didn't interest her. She was present for the first-years exams, and besides the impressive feats of two commoner boys, the stadium was stunned that an Orthinanos performed exceptionally. Then days later, she placed fifth on the overall rankings, just behind two nobles and the commoner boys. That girl selected her, and she didn't understand why.

In her first conversation with Medina Orthinanos, Ilia learned that everyone was wrong about her, and for the two months they were Disciple and Page, she grew an immense respect for the then-future ninth head of the Orthinanos family. She wanted to follow Medina to the ACTF, but felt her skills wouldn't be worth it to the task force. She heard the deeds of Medina during the Clamp Crisis, furthering her impression of her former disciple. Then came the war, which Ilia participated  but had little chance to meet with Medina until the end of the fighting when she found her in the med tent. She seemed to be well, and on her lap slept the Lord of Knights himself, Jaymes.

Almost two years since they met at the academy, Medina remains her master as Ilia trains as an Integrity Knight. The arrangement was easily accepted by both women, but the idea that Ilia was to be trained by someone who denied knighthood shocked her. Yet, she believes in the stories of her idol. Medina may not bear the title, but she has the strength of a true knight. And just the other day, she got to see the power of Jaymes for herself for the first time since the Rebellion of the Four Empires and his apprentice, Mia Zancale. Once again, she sees how inferior she is to others, even if circumstances betrays her stance. She has no right to be Medina's page again.

"It's barely sunrise and you're sulking, ilia." Ilia jolts and looks up to Medina, dressed in her armor already despite the early hour. The older woman bearing her usual harsh-looking face. Ilia bets she's herself has her usual blankness, but the two have learned that their faces usually betray what they're feeling.

"It is early to see you, Lady Medina. Did you sleep well?"

"Well..." Medina slightly reddens at the question and looks towards the front yard of her acquired estate. "That's...none of your concern."

Ilia may be quiet and reserved, but she's still an eighteen-year-old girl. And after spending much time with the likes of Ronie Arabel and Tiese Schtrinen, Ilia has expanded her topics of conversation to that of a typical girl of that age, even if she has no interest in partaking in those subjects. "You are blushing, milady. I take it your time with the emperor has gone well."

Medina sighs and takes her seat beside her apprentice. "Since when did the matters of the heart interest you?"

"Since you made me befriend Ronie and Tiese. It's all they talk about."

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