The Sun-Rayed Princess, Eva

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Once upon a time, Asuna would have run from a fight when there was no escape except death or victory. That once lead her to separate from her friend Mito. Later on, she'd fall for the rumor of a hidden exit from Aincrad to the real world, and following it almost led to her death and acceptance of a pitiful death-but Jaymes, Koharu, and Argo saved her.

Once upon a later time, she considered that if she at least tried to fight and escape, her death would be worth it. That got her entangled with Koharu, Jaymes, and Kirito and a reunion with Mito. That kept her onward until she became vice commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath, mere moments after the single deadliest loss of life in SAO ended. All because a Pker held on to a vital piece of information that could have saved lives.

Between then and the time she'd reunite with Jaymes and Kirito over a year later, she decided that death was not an option, so any means necessary to fight and win was worth it. She didn't like the thought too much, and she saw the results of it. It almost cost Jaymes his humanity on the thirty-fifth floor doing just that. It brought her head-to-head with Kirito on the fifty-six floor when deciding to use NPCs as bait at the boss raid meeting.

From the moment they reunited as a trio to the end of the game, Asuna held a slightly different mindset. Death was not an option; any means justify the end, but only if her soul would come clean. It holds to this day. When it comes to protecting Kirito, Jaymes, or anyone, she will do whatever it takes as long as it is not the extreme option. They saved her so many times, all without sacrificing much of themselves, that it is only right she does the same thing for them.

At the same time, all she knows is anger.

When Johnny Black attacked Kirito, she cursed her helplessness and was angry. When she reunited with Koharu hours before becoming Stacia, she cursed her past inability to help Jaymes. She took those feelings out on PoH. When Jaymes fell to Eydis and the First Children, she cursed her lateness and inability to do anything over the next few days. Seeing Jaymes and Kirito both be manipulated into a fight that she had to intervene in only stoked the flames.

Now one of the four is responsible for everything in front of her. And she doesn't waste a moment striking. Asuna makes the opening moves, yet Eva avoids her, going as far as to taunt Asuna by holding her rapier behind her back. That only makes Asuna angrier until Eva uses her sword to defend herself...and an equally taunting smile. "This is the might of the imposter? Maybe I underestimated you."

Asuna grits her teeth and continues to take the offensive. But no matter what Asuna throws, whether a regular attack or a sword skill, Eva manages to hold her guard. When Eva encroaches on the barrier, she finds a way not to be between it and Asuna. No, it seems like Eva is avoiding touching the barrier. Is there a downside to making contact with it, like being shocked or the like?

Asuna decides to find out.

Driving Eva back again, Asuna waits until Eva is about three-fourths of the way to the barrier. She gets into a stance for a thrust. Eva sets up to defend herself, thinking it's coming, and Asuna gives her the expected attack halfway. Just before she hits Eva's blade, Asuna swings up sharply, and with it comes the command of earth manipulation. A blunt pillar erupts obliquely, following the direction of Asuna's sword, and pounds against Eva. The daughter of Solus is caught off guard and pinned into the barrier.

Eva's electrified yelps bring a slight smile to Asuna's face.

After a moment, she swipes her blade, crumbling the pillar and letting Eva drop to the ground. The armored woman continues to spasm as Asuna makes her approach. "Huh. Is this the might of the daughter of Solus?" Eva growls as she tries to get up, but the earth wraps her arms and legs around her with a tap of Asuna's sword. She continues to struggle as she's buried under more earth, with only her head exposed. "You thought you were playing with me, had me in your hands, but I've learned from two of the best. When I met them, I was a scared girl looking to die. They took me under their wing, taught me to fight and survive, and created a person who is their equal. One of the most important lessons is to stay perceptive to your opponent in a duel."

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