Primus' Ultimatum

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He has no clue what's going on, but he sees the fabled golden knight, Primus, the two apprentices Ronie and Tiese, and three monstrous beings between them. Those three beings turn their heads at the command of Primus in his and Asuna's direction. They're a hundred mels or so above the ground, so he can't see everything clearly, but the way they're opening their mouths in his direction seems to suggest they're about to fire something from within.

In response, he holds the Night-Sky Blade, and with two words, the world around them turns dark. The space around the mansion, the forest, and the horizons are all covered in darkness. Only one light shines bright, and that's the Night-Sky Blade itself.

He can't read Primus' demeanor-or, to be better said, his demeanor hasn't changed. He speaks again, and the monsters fire their charging shot. Three spheres with a skin-tingling sound towards Kirito, Asuna, and Tsukigake. Just to mess with Primus a bit, Kirito allows them to get a little close, then swings his black longsword.

With that swing, light breaks through the darkness, and the source beings the numerous particles of light elements sucked from the light of Solus by the Night-Sky's Memory Release. So numerous in number that the miasma sphere swallows so much of them that the dark power that formed them is balanced out by the light they absorb, neutralizing, shrinking, and disappearing.

That didn't sway the monsters as they prepare another attack, and that's when Kirito makes his move. He commands the light elements to the three monsters, swirling and enveloping them. They hiss and cry as their bodies are smelted by the light until they start to glow from within. That causes the monsters to crumble in a liquid state and evaporate into the air, and from within that liquid appears three goblins of the mountain tribe's variety.

"There they are," Asuna says with relief, then her eyes move slightly upward and her tone deepens. "Make sure he can't escape."

"On it." While some of the lights ventured toward Ronie and Tiese to heal them, the rest assemble themselves into ten rings, and they form a cage around the unmoved first son. The darkness fades, recessing back to the sunset, but the face of Primus doesn't change at all. At this point, it begins to annoy Kirito. This is the man responsible for the condition his best friend is in, and here he finds his two pages wounded by his command.

Kirito is beyond angry right now. Only Asuna may top him in that regard.

Ronie and Tiese now approach the trapped Primus, but he ignores them for his sight of Kirito and Asuna. He chuckles as they descend down to the floor. He snaps his fingers and a hole of light forms under his feet. "Swordsman Delegate, meet me on top of the cathedral. We will talk there." Primus sinks into the gate as Kirito sets foot on the ground, escaping his prison without a scratch.

Abating his anger for the moment, Kirito sheathes his sword and approaches Ronie, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you all right?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine. But Primus…"

He wants to meet Kirito alone, huh? Kirito says nothing as Tsukigake jumps upon her master and steps away, and moments later, same with Shimosake and Tiese. It was the couple finding Shimosake and the following burst of light in the adjacent woods that Asuna and Kirito are here. Not wanting to waste time, he joins Asuna and turns her away from the reunion. "You and the girls get the goblins to Medina's place. I'm going to head to Primus."

Asuna frowns. "Should you go alone?"

"No. No, we should confront him together. But I'll be careful. Whatever it takes, I will ask him to bring back Jaymes." Asuna nods and kisses Kirito on the cheek as he commands wind elements for maximum flight. Asuna steps away, allowing Kirito to soar into the air with a wind-piercing pop. If Primus wants him there at the top of the cathedral (which he's assuming Primus means the roof of the cathedral, not the interior of the hundredth floor) he will grant Primus his request.

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