The Intruder Of Obsidia Castle

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Windcutter's Ridge, Human Empire, Ilia

"We're going to finish this quickly."

Ilia watches in awe as the field below them is bombarded with Thermal and Metallic arts from the sky, a combination of Jaymes' own design. The shrieks and roars from the kobolds echoes across the mine, topped by the kobold lord's roar of fury. For now, that should take care of the kobolds, leaving their leader isolated for the time being. If any survived the raining, fiery metal, Illfang is sure to heal them with that dagger, so Jaymes proposed to hit the Divine Beast hard and fast before they're surrounded.

Ilia grabs her steel sword and glances at her senior, who nods and slides down off the cliff into the dense smoke below, Ilia right behind her. Jaymes takes to the air, catching the lord's attention. Unable to see Medina, she hears her call out her Release Recollection, summoning her ancestors to assist in battle. They won't number as many as she could summon wayfarers, but for now, it'll have to do.

As for herself, Ilia unsheathes her steel sword as she spots Illfang's form. She takes notice she's on the left side, the dagger held tight by the upper appendage while the talwar fights against Medina and her bloodline while being annoyed by the aerial warrior. Leaping into the air, she bellows out a roar as she swings down on the wrist. Her sword cleaves halfway through, but enough to cause Illfang great pain and spurt blood all over Ilia.

She makes a second swing, calling on the goddesses to grant her strength, and dismembers the left hand, preventing Illfang from healing anyone. She drops to the ground and rolls away from the screeching beast."Medina! The dagger is free!"

"Right! Jaymes!"

"Here." Jaymes lands beside Medina, and the two share a glare at Illfang. "Ready?"

"Ready. Enhance Armament!" Red lycoris petals blossom from the Mirage Sword into the air. Jaymes sprints and holds his sword up as the petals surround Falchion. As he charges the stunned Illfang, his sword shines with radiance.

"Enhance Armament! Hiiiyaaaaah!" Jaymes thrusts his sword Illfang, the tip landing on the belly of the beast. The monster twitches as the enhanced strike of Jaymes' blade courses through it. From far behind, Medina sheathes Mirage, and as soon as the click between the hilt and the sheath is heard, the lycoris petals erupt from within Illfang. Ilia grimaces at the gruesome display, but it is a necessary evil to ensure the beast is dead to rights.

As Illfang collapses, its eyes lifeless, the blood-bathed Jaymes steps away and puts Falchion back in its home. "We're done here. Ilia, grab that dagger." Ilia follows Jaymes' instructions and removes the dagger from Illfang's sliced hand. She heads to him to give him the dagger. "Let's see the Stacia Window for it." He draws an 'S' in the air, the dagger's identification appearing to them. "Aha! Here.... And these two... Object Control Authority and System Control Authority. Ilia, what's your highest value?"

"I think my System Control Authority by a little bit."

"Hmm. Looks like you can use it. With this, we can help everyone."

Ilia doesn't understand. "Um, Jaymes, what are you saying?"

"Technically, I shouldn't give you this, Fanatio will rip me a new one, but for now it should be fine." He hands her back the dagger, smiling gently. "For now, we'll bypass the rules and use them to heal the villagers. But once you're approved, I want that to become your Divine Object."

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