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"If you were mine, this would be your uniform."

Liam had actually laughed when Zayn handed him the tiny piece of clothing, but when Liam looked up expecting a joke, Zayn had been all too serious. He'd worn a uniform for his last Master, but it wasn't quite so...revealing.

"May I ask why, sir?"

Zayn gave Liam's toned body a full look up and down. "Because I like to see what's mine. You would be expected to keep in peak physical condition for my viewing pleasure."

Liam's throat was suddenly dry. Viewing pleasure. Zayn wanted to be able to look at him whenever he wanted. It made Liam's skin hot and his breath short. "Of course," his voice came out lower than he expected, so he cleared his throat and tried again, "Of course, sir." Liam slipped his shirt off and dropped it on the edge of Zayn's bed. Zayn turned away, waiting patiently with his eyes on the bedroom door. Liam had his jeans off by the time he noticed Zayn wasn't looking anymore and the disappointment was palpable. "Why look away?"

Liam could see Zayn's head lower and heard a sad sigh leave his lips, "Because, Liam, as much as we pretend, you are not mine. I'm saving your innocence for your match. Your bare body is not mine to see."

Liam knew he was right. Letting someone that wasn't his Master see him in such a state would diminish his worth. But Liam was still so tempted to beg him to turn around and assess his physical body, give him words of encouragement and praise, or demand him be better. Still Liam knew; that wasn't Zayn's job.

He pulled off his pants and replaced them with the form-fitting shorts that Zayn provided. They left nearly nothing to the imagination, curving around the low point of his hips and hugging the tops of his thighs. If he were to get hard at any point, Zayn would definitely be the first to know.

"I'm finished, sir."

Zayn nodded as he turned, but stopped mid-movement to stare. Quickly, he collected himself and nodded in approval. "Very nice." Liam preened at the compliment. "Now, I still promised you today would be about you. So I will do my best to illustrate a normal day in my household with you as," he paused, "as my slave," he let the words rise with the satisfaction he was feeling at being able to say that, "but with an emphasis on you." He walked around Liam to go to his closet. "The closest comparison would be your birthday, or our anniversary. Those days would be similar to this."

Liam was buzzing with energy, listening to Zayn talk about this like it was their lives. He tried his best to ignore that it wasn't their anniversary, but his and Niall's. That, no, that didn't matter today. That was tomorrow. Today was Liam's day and no one would take that from him. Especially when Zayn was stripping off in front of him to change clothes, hair still damp from his shower.

"Normally in the morning, you would help me dress. I expect you in uniform after breakfast, before then I am no Master. No sir. Until I've had food and coffee, you do not belong to me." He chuckled at the end, letting Liam know it wasn't that serious. "But now we've eaten, I'm very much awake, and you," he turned back to Liam, "belong to me." He pulled out a simple white button up, crisp and bright against Zayn's bare skin. "Liam," he barked his name, making him look up from where he was taking a moment to memorize the canvas of tattoos that littered Zayn's chest.

"Yes, sir," he answered, a little breathless.

"By 'help me dress', I mean you will wait by my side while I pick out clothing. You'll take the pieces I hand you and set them out on the edge of the bed." When Liam just stood there nodding, Zayn snapped his fingers at the man, "Here. Now," and pointed to the floor next to him.

Liam scampered to him, hands obediently behind his back. Zayn handed him the shirt he'd picked and Liam let it fall to the duvet and stepped over to Zayn again. He led them to his dresser, where he pulled out a pair of tight black jeans. Liam set them down as well and let Zayn move them back to his closet, opening the other door to a mass collection of shoes. Zayn made a considering sound, looking over the options. Liam however, couldn't stop starring at a pair of slim black boots that he knew Zayn would look amazing in.

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