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"Zayn calm down."

The raven-haired Master picked up a paper weight and launched it across his office at a wall. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Niall only sighed and went to pick up the heavy glass piece that had made a very sizable dent in the wall. "He's with that man!" Zayn pointed out the window like Marcus was waiting on the sidewalk. "Marcus is doing something, and he's with that man!"

Niall gently placed the weight back on the desk while he nodded. "I know. But Liam sounded fine. I don't think Marcus would hurt him."

Zayn laughed, loud and scared. "You really think anything of that man after what we've learned about him from Liam."

"We haven't learned anything, yet," Niall reminded, and when Zayn gave him a glare he added, "But we will."

Zayn crumpled into the desk chair and let his head fall into his hands. "I can't do anything. If we send the cops in there and they find nothing, Marcus will be scot free and hunting me down."

"Exactly," Niall agreed and came to stand next to Zayn's hunched form. "Which is why we have to find out what it is.


Niall and Zayn both looked up to find a sleep rumpled Harry at the door to Niall's home office. He rubbed his eyes and pushed back his unruly hair while Niall cooed at him and motioned him towards him. "Did we wake you, baby? I'm sorry." Harry buried his head in Niall's neck and let Niall wrap his arms around the taller boy.

"What are you fighting about?"

Zayn was still silent, head in hands, so Niall leaned Harry's head up and kissed him softly. "We're not fighting. It's just been a long day is all."

"I heard a bang."

Niall pet his hair and hugged him close. "Just an accident. Uncle Zayn is clumsy."

Zayn's head lifted at his name and revealed red rimmed eyes and dried tear tracks. Harry whined and wiggled out of Niall's hold to kneel at Zayn's feet. "What's wrong? Can I help?"

Zayn softened at the boy he's practically come to know as family. "I'm okay."

"You don't look okay," Harry pointed out. His hands slid up Zayn's trousers to his belt. "I can make you feel better." Harry looked over his shoulder at Niall for permission, but before he could grant or deny it Zayn was pushing his hands off. It didn't feel right this time, not with Liam like...just not now, not like this.

"Thank you, baby boy, but I'm fine."

Harry looked offended instantly. Zayn had never actually turned down an opportunity to be with him. Niall picked him up off the floor and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Thank you for trying to help, kitten, but that's not what he needs right now."

Harry pouted. "That all I know how to do," he mumbled.

"And you're very good at it," Niall assured. "If you go back to bed and get lots of sleep, I promise you can prove it to me in the morning." Harry hummed and nodded easily so Niall turned him around and kissed him long and slow until he smiled, sending him off with a pat to the bum.

The moment Harry was gone, Zayn was back in tears. "You're an excellent Master," he sobbed.

Niall rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't be for anyone but him. We're a perfect match." He squeezed Zayn's shoulder. "Just like you and Liam are."

"We're not-"

"You are. No offense to your system, but it's fallible and this time it messed up."

"It's not wrong."

"Once in a blue moon, it is."

Zayn shook his head, but didn't argue again. "I have to have him. I can't let him stay there."

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