Chapter 30

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Niall & Harry

Niall and Harry lived their happy fairy tale ending. After the wedding they were nearly inseparable. As soon as the kids were old enough to leave the house they were off. They traveled all over the world making sure that they could do everything they dreamed of. They fought as to be expected but they knew better than to go to bed mad at each other. That was something they vowed to never let happen.



Demitri grew to become a strong young man. Once he graduated from college he immediately went into business. Over time his career grew and he came to own his own business. Where he met the woman of his dreams and they had two beautiful sons together. Two sons that Niall and Harry spoil rotten if I might add.



Drew was a spoiled little girl to say the least. She threw her tantrums, she screamed until she couldn’t anymore.  But she somehow managed to become a  respectable young woman. Now in her third year of law school and engaged to the man of her dreams. She has yet to have any kids but she is hoping to as soon as she is stable in her career and can fully support the family that she hopes to grow.



Once the engagement was announced about Niall and Harry, Zayn had finally decided that it was time to move on. He had met a sweet lad at a local bar one evening and the two decided that it would be nice to get to know each other. Since that night at the bar the two have been dating for years now. Zayn is soon planning on popping the question but he is still working on how to ask.


Louis & Liam

Those two are wild as ever. The years that they have spent together have been nothing but fun and games. They enjoy each other’s company more than they enjoy life itself. They have yet to get married though Louis does wish that Liam would ask him. Liam is a bit reluctant but he hopes to gain the courage to ask Louis as soon as he can.

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