Chapter 5

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        "Where are you? I thought you would be home when I made it here" Zayn said into the phone sitting down on the couch. He and Niall usually spoke about where they were going throughout the day. So when he got home and Niall and Demitri weren't there he began to worry. Little did he know his boyfriend didn't tell him where he was going purposely.

        "Oh, I'm at the mall with Mitri" Niall said quietly

        "Must be fun, what did you need from the mall?" Zayn knew that Niall didn't particularly enjoy the mall so there must have been a reason he was there. There was a small amount of silence over the phone and Zayn waited for Niall to answer his question.

        "I uh...Well can you promise to hear me out before you get angry" Niall said

        "Of course babe, what's wrong"

        "Nothing's wrong. I just don't want you getting mad at me about something like this." Now Zayn was really starting to worry. He didn't get mad at Niall very often, yes they fought but their fights never lasted more than a few hours a day at most.

        "Just tell me" Zayn said

        "I'm at the mall with Demitri and Harry..."

        "Wait what?" Zayn said sitting up straight

        "He wanted to see his son, I couldn't keep telling him no. I know that I've denied wanting him to have a relationship with Demitri but that's not true. I want them to know each other and have some form of a..."

        "He walked out on both of you and you think that he deserves to have a relationship with your son" Zayn said his voice getting higher than he actually wanted it to. Was Niall losing his mind?

        "Zayn I know that I just..."

        "We can talk about this when you get home" Zayn hung up the phone not wanting to fight with Niall over the phone. He refused to do it. He wanted to be able to speak his mind face to face.


        Niall sat next to Harry as they sat across from Demitri who was mindlessly eating his vanilla ice cream. Niall looked down at his phone hoping that Zayn would text him but he never did. He knew that Zayn wouldn't be happy about him meeting up with Harry but he felt as if he needed to do it. Harry of course noticed Niall's even more distant mood and decided to investigate.

        "Hey what's wrong with you" he whispered into Niall's ear making him jump. He moved back away from Harry and shook his head. "You're still not a very good liar I see"

        "Nothing is wrong" Niall lied once again looking down at his ice cream which he had barely touched.

        "Yes there is, you have cookie dough ice cream in front of you. Your absolute favorite and you've barely touched it" Harry pointed to Niall's ice cream and he shrugged. He wasn't going to talk about his problems with Harry, not when they involved Zayn.

        "Sweetie are you almost done with your ice cream?" Niall asked Demitri and the boy nodded. Harry grabbed a napkin wiping his sons mouth and set it down on the table. "Then we should get going, say goodbye to...Harry" Niall looked at Harry who sent him a small smile. They weren't sure when they were going to tell Demitri about being Harry being his father but now wasn't the time. Demitri pouted but stood up anyway so that Niall could put his coat on.

        The little boy turned to Harry and gave him the biggest hug he could. "Bye Bye"

        Harry smiled lifting the kid up giving him a hug. "Bye kiddo, I will see you very soon I promise" He set him down again and turned to Niall. "Bye Niall"

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