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Aurora Hale wasn't expecting much to come from the summer after Junior year ended; in fact, she had nothing planned at all but doing absolutely nothing. Sure, she and Lydia were both dying to find a way to get to New York to see a runway show, and she and Stiles had plans to go on a picnic in the preserve where no one could bother them and they could be completely alone for a few hours, and yeah, she'd promised Scott that she'd help him get a really good summer school biology grade so he could take AP biology senior year, and of course, she was always going to be around if Liam ever needed anyone, and there were definitely a few cousins activities plans that she and Malia were determined to stick to.

But other than all of that, Aurora Hale was doing nothing for three months and she was going to love it.

Currently, she was sitting on her boyfriend's bed, in just a t-shirt of his with his laptop open on her lap as she browsed through an online shop that was based in Australia. She was browsing through the new releases section when her boyfriend came back into his room with a bag of fries and two sodas.

She grinned up at him over the screen of the laptop as he sat down beside her; Stiles Stilinski placed the bag of fries down on his bedside cupboard before doing the same to the sodas. He tilted his head to the side and grinned before pointing at one of the more scantily bikinis that were currently displayed on his laptop screen,
"You would look great in that"

Rory gently nudged him with her hand,
"You are such a boy"

"Thank you" Stiles grinned before not so subtly checking her out,
"I was serious though"

"I never doubted that" Rory informed him with her own grin.

"So, I was thinking that we could go out for that picnic tonight" Stiles smiled at his girlfriend.

"Isn't it supposed to rain?" Rory questioned with a tilt of her head.

"Tomorrow" Stiles shrugged slightly.

"What kind of picnic?" Rory asked in curiosity.

"The kind where Scott or Liam or Lydia or Malia don't interrupt us" Stiles informed her causing Rory to grin.

"Well if it's one of those, then I might just have to say yes" Rory grinned,
"A whole night completely uninterrupted sounds like a dream come true"

"Your dreams do come true" Stiles pointed out causing Rory to give him a sarcastic grin.


Rory was right, it had rained. And Stiles was right, they were completely uninterrupted.

That was until the following morning when Jordan Parrish knocked on the Jeep's window with a very awkward look on his face.

"You're dad sent me out here" He'd informed the pair without actually looking either of them in the eye,
"Said you were supposed to be home last night and neither of you were answering his calls"

Rory could have sworn that her cheeks have never been so red in her entire life as she attempted to look anywhere but the deputy.

"Right" Stiles nodded, equally as awkward.

Parrish simply cleared his throat, nodded once and then walked away; Stiles grinned as he turned back to his girlfriend,
"Morning gorgeous"

"This isn't funny"

"It's a little funny" Stiles smirked before kissing her.

"Oh, your dad sending out a deputy to tell us to go home, is funny to you?"


Scott McCall gave one sniff to the Jeep as he climbed in and immediately wanted to get back out again - he was sitting in the backseat and leant forwards to look between his best friend and sister,
"You two - did you - on this seat..."

He couldn't even get the words out before he gave a disgusted grunt,
"My sister and my best friend... and I'm sitting... ugh!"

Rory and Stiles both started laughing uncontrolably as Scott got more and more disgusted with each passing second.

"This is not funny" Scott insisted,
"It's disgusting. It's heinous-"

"Yet it was okay when you and Allison did it and I had to sit in her car" 

Scott fell silent before pulling a face,
"Playing dirty"

"Evening the playing, my darling" 

It's Hale, It's Complicated {5}Where stories live. Discover now