chapter ten

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Malia and Rory both gave Stiles an identical look that told him that he was insane as he held out a pair of Scott's boxers towards them. Malia quickly spun around and grabbed Scott's pillow before sniffing it, symbolising that she could get the alpha's scent just fine from the soft pillow rather than the boxers that Stiles had plucked from his best friend's wash basket.

Rory was the first one down the stairs and she let out a small sigh once she saw who was standing in her living,
"Go home, now. You're not coming with us"

"Why not?" 

Rory simply raised an eyebrow towards the younger teen who was attempting to use his puppy eyes to convince her to allow him to come along with them to Mexico. The girl then sighed before stating,
"Because tonight is a full moon and none of us want to drive all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip us to shreds, okay"

Liam let out a small sigh as the witch added,
"You're staying here"

"You can lock me up, right?" Liam asked, trying to find a way to get Rory to allow him along with them, but there was little to no avail,
"Chain me down to the backseat or something?"

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia reminded him as she and Stiles joined them in the living room, the latter looked extremely exasperated with the beta's presence while the former was taking a more understanding approach, mirroring her cousin. 

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there" Stiles told him sarcastically.

Liam stared back at Stiles half blankly before shrugging slightly and asking,
"Okay. Where do we get carbonite?"

Stiles gave the boy a deadpan look before glancing over at his girlfriend who was smiling softly in amusement,
"Seriously? You haven't seen it either"

Rory let out a poorly disguised snort before commenting,
"Like alpha like beta, I guess"

"Wait" Liam called out stopping the trio from leaving him alone in the McCall/Hale house living room,
"What if we put me in the trunk?"

"You'd get out of that too" Malia informed him nonchalantly.

Rory let out a soft sigh before she crossed the room to stand in front of the boy,
"Liam, you haven't been a werewolf that long. You don't have to do this and Scott would understand why you stayed here"

"I know I don't and I know he would, but I want to" Liam insisted seriosuly,
"There's gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk or something! There has to be!"

Stiles sighed once again before opening his mouth to shut the beta down again, only for his girlfriend to have a thoughtful look cross her face before she stated,
"Maybe there is"

"What happened to not letting Liam come?" Stiles questioned Rory, the pair and Malia and Liam, were all sitting in the Jeep as they drove to meet up with Braeden and Derek who had answered Rory's call without any sign of hesitation.

"I know" Rory said nonchalantly with a small shrug.

"It was your idea to leave him here" Stiles reminded her.

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