chapter three

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Malia Tate did not like math. Not even a little bit.

So when the werecoyote got to the doorframe of her math class and noticed all the elaborate and confusing scribbles that were written up on the blackboard she glanced around, making sure that no one had spotted her yet and started making her way out of the room, intending to ditch.

An overly warm hand landed on her shoulder and firmly guided her back into the class.

"I hate math - it's pointless" Malia complained as the person who had stopped her from leaving the classroom sat her down in her seat.

"It's school" Rory countered as she placed herself down in the seat in front of Malia, turning around to look at the girl properly as Lydia and Stiles joined the pair,
"School is important, and math is essential"

"To what?"

Rory opened her mouth to answer only for Stiles to cut her off,
"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants"

Lydia and Rory exchanged a look before sending Stiles the same annoyed yet partially blank look.

"And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering"

"Architecture, shopping, groceries" 

Stiles waved off Lydia and Rory before repeating,

Stiles watched with a mildly amused smile on his face as the pair both rolled their eyes and simultaneously turned back towards the front of the room.

"All right" Ms Flemming, the math teacher, called out as she walked through the rows of desks,
"Volunteers to the board. Lydia, Diego, Malia"

Malia's head snapped up,
"Uh, I didn't volunteer"

"You did now" Ms Flemming told the girl bluntly before motioning to the board,
"To the board"

"An axe murderer?" Kira questioned in shock as she, Scott, Rory and Stiles all walked through the hallways together, stopping at the Kitsune's locker as they spoke.

"A family murdering axe murderer" Stiles corrected as he waved his hands around causing Rory to recoil away from him slightly and grab the closest hand to her.

"We know"

Stiles' head snapped towards the girl, his eyes widen in surprise,
"What? How? When?"

"My mom called us" Scott informed the boy,
"She knew we'd see it on the news"

"Perfect. Let's go"

Scott's hand shot out and grabbed his best friend's arm to stop him from walking away,
"Whoa, whoa. We've got Econ in five minutes"

"Did you forget about the part where there's a family murdering axe murderer?"

"Did you forget that your dad's the Sheriff?" Scott questioned before tacking on,
"They want us to stay out of it"

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