Asking Sam if she can take Jones out

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Ellie had a great idea and went to Sam's office and knocked

"Come in" He said and he saw Ellie slip in

"Oh Hello Ellie, has Jones pranked you?" He asked smiling

"No, not yet anyway but I was gonna ask if I could take her out to the lake" Ellie asked Sam

"Of course you can make sure you bring her back before dinner time please" Sam smiled "Due to her age I don't want her out past a certain time unless it's a Cadet night"

"Of course Sam, I'll remember that" Ellie said "I'll take her down there tomorrow"

"Thanks Ellie" Sam smiled "Thanks for taking her out, she'll love it"

"I bet she will" Ellie smiled "Where is she anyway"

Sam's radio went on and they heard Penny's voice come through the radio "Sam, lost Jones have you she's just gone and pranked me"

Sam and Ellie cackled and went to where Penny was and they saw Jones walk in also laughing

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