Helen arrives

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Helen arrived on the Pontypandy express before running over to where Ellie and Tom was

"Is she okay Tom?" Helen shouted calmly

"No, she's overworking herself" Tom answered "Jones came running into the activity Center panting and panted that Ellie needed help"

Helen frowned and looked at Ellie's arm before saying "She's been stung draw a circle with this pen so we can see if it gets better"

Ellie allowed Tom to do so before he got Wallaby two ready for flight while Ellie was placed onto a strecher by Helen

Once Wallaby two was in the air the strecher was lifted up followed by Helen who was in one of the harness

Once they were both in Tom whisked them both off in Wallaby two to the nearest hospital which was Newtown Hospital

I looked at the lake and cursed it loudly and Moose who didn't understand Welsh looked at me oddly and said "Jones your gonna freeze to death if we don't get you changed"

"Don't mind, the lake hurt Ellie, must hurt lake" I say as I run to the lake and Moose followed

Moose saw an eel and said "That shouldn't be here, it's to cold for it" and he whisked me inside and called Charlie to come look at if with Ben

"Lake devil" I muttered

I was stood outside shivering and Moose stood next to me as we saw on again the Pontypandy express turn up with Charlie and Ben

"So there's an eel?" Ben asked

It seemed they didn't believe us or more so me

"Come look, lake evil" I say as I stomp towards the lake

They look and see an eel

"Yeah, you wasn't kidding" Charlie said "Nothing we can do, can't touch it we'd be stung"

"Too late for that now, Ellie's been stung Uncle Charlie and it's all my fault" I cried as I ran to my uncle and I didn't care if I was dripping

Charlie was my uncle and uncle was family and I wanted family not Moose right now

Charlie picked me up and walked away from the lake before saying "Jones Helen and Ellie have told me what's happen it's not your fault, the rod I gave you I forgot James tempered with"

"Oh" I said as I sniffed and I snuggled into Charlie

"Your freezing Jones, we need to get you changed" Charlie said running to the express

"Charlie, she freeze more if she goes back" Moose shouted

"I'm her uncle, there's nothing for her here, she needs warm clothes and her father" Charlie said dangerously low "I'm her uncle and I won't let Sam down by endangering his daughter, just can't no"

"Charlie calm" Ben said

"Sorry, can't loose Jones, if you don't mind, Ben call Sam explain the whole situation, Moose call Helen and see how Ellie is" Charlie said as he took charge

They both nodded and ran into the activity Center to do so as Charlie boarded the Pontypandy express and told Gareth to head back

Hoping Sam had some warm clothes on him for Jones as soon as they arrived, if not Jones would have to be legged home in a run or a piggy back

"Want Ellie" I asked

"You'll see Ellie soon, first once your warm and toasty like a hot chocolate we'll I mean me and your dad will take you to see Ellie, how that sound?" Charlie said brushing my red hair from my face

"Sounds great uncle" I smile

"Love you Jones" Charlie said as we departing the train

"Love you more uncle" I replied

We saw Sam and he had dried clothes for Charlie to

Jones, Ellie and the eelWhere stories live. Discover now