At lake

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We hadn't sent ourselves a challenge as we just wanted to enjoy some time together. We rarely got time together as Sarah spent most of her time with Ellie, that was if she wasn't after Norman her crush

I probably wouldn't catch a fish as I wasn't my uncle who was a expert at catching fish. He once broke his boat trying to catch fish. Luckily dad helped him fix it

It's a nice day and isn't forecasted to rain. Hopefully it doesn't rain as if it does it bring our fishing trip to an end and waiting in the mountain activity Center to Gareth and the Pontypandy express comes back to pick us up

"Wonder if we'll catch any fish Ellie?" I ask

"I wonder to, according to your uncle he said today was a great day to fish in the lake" Ellie said

"So if we don't catch any I can prank Charlie?" I ask

Ellie giggled and said "sure, when your dad asks who's idea was it, don't rope me into it"

"I won't Ellie" I smiled

She pulled me close and I rested my head on her arm, I loved hugs and I was a huggable person if I knew you seriously well

We waited a little longer and soon I guess we started to feel a tad bored. After all we hadn't caught a singel fish yet

We weren't planning on keeping the fish we caught, we actually planned on realising them back into the wild afterwards as soon as we had caught them

I hummed before I quietly sang a song in Welsh, I was fluent in Welsh, that Ellie knew, Ellie loved the fact that when I was stressed, annoyed, bored or just with dad I'd slip into Welsh

People started to think Welsh was my first language and English was my secound

They were both my first and secound as being with J made me have time to learn Welsh right off the bat to become so fluent in it and I learnt English from her talking to me before she did things and when the police first found out

Soon Ellie's line tug and I helped her pull it out and it was a carp

We both smiled and then said "Bye bye carp"

We let it back into the lake and soon mine tugged a ton and it was dragging me forward

I didn't want to alarm Ellie so I kept this quiet from her and soon a splash was heard and I came up spluttering

"Jones!" Ellie said as she pulled me up and out of the water

"Sorry Ellie" I wept

Ellie saw my rod was snagged on something and Ellie took off her jacket as it was given to me and Ellie said "Jones not your fault it's your rods"

I wept more and as she kept me back sp she could unsnag my rod

As she did though however something stung her hand causing Ellie to scream out in pain

I ran over to her shouting "ELLIE!!!!"

Ellie's hand had swollen up and I saw an eel in the water

"Ellie" I said

"Yeah Jones?" She asked eyes scanning me over to see if she missed anything that was wrong with me

"You've been stung by an Elric eel" I said shock seeping into my bones

Ellie noticed that shock was setting into my bones and she tried to reach out to me so she could snap it out of me

She managed to grab my arm with her food hand and she rubbed her hand in circle motions to I looked at her

"Jones, I need to know your okay okay" Ellie said

"Why you worrying about me? Your the one that's been stung" I wept

Ellie saw the eel get dangerously close to my ankle and she pulled me close before we started to scoot from the lake

Ellie and me had left our lunches with Moose in the mountain activity Center and shock seeped into me once more and Ellie paled when she realised

Even though Ellie was more so hurt, she didn't want me to get unwell also

I ran to the activity Center and let myself in and soon Moose and Tom drew there eyes at me

"Help Ellie" was all I could pant

They both looked concerned and went out to see Ellie holding her arm

"Moose call Helen, once Helen arrives I'll get into wallaby two, I bet this will need checking out Ellie" Tom said as Moose went to call Helen

"Jones okay?" Ellie asked her face scrunching into one of pain

"Jones is okay" Tom assured her

"I promised Sam she'd be okay I failed" Ellie said

"You haven't failed, Ellie shush your working yourself into a panic attack which will make the sting worse" Tom said firmly

He'd thank Helen on the first aid training course later

"Ellie I need you to follow my breathing, in and out after me okay" Tom said as he draw a line around the sting with a marker

Ellie was still struggling and Tom had to try and ground her, overworking herself and causing panic attacks could make the sting get round faster and that is what they didn't want

"Ellie, look at me and breathe in and out that's it, good job" Tom assured her as the breathing started to slow

Only Helen would be able to determine what was going on

Jones, Ellie and the eelWhere stories live. Discover now