Next day

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Even if I woke up halfway through the night with a dull pain in my elbow. I didn't dare wake anyone though but before I knew it the pain started to get worse and I realise something.

I can't straighten it. I see the time on Helen's digital watch day half 9. The others are still soundly sleeping. Normally I would've taken this opportunity to fall back asleep to I was awoken by one of them. However this time I couldn't. The pain was unbearable. I needed help.

Didn't want to wake the others up though, after all Ellie was still recovering from the eltric eel sting she received not yet twenty fours ago. Dad look so comfy snuggled into his elder brother Charlie. Tom had fallen off his chair in the middle of the night and Helen well. She had her back slouched as she slept. When she woke up she would be telling them not to sleep in chairs. Hypocrite.

Soon Dr Anderson came in quietly to check on Ellie's hand. The one that was stung to see if it needed anymore treatment at the hospital or to see if she could go home.

I pretended to be asleep however Dr Anderson had remembered a time even Harry told her I normally fake sleep if I was nervous. So once she was glad Ellie's hand was recovering well she went to me and tapped my shoulder. This emitted a hiss of pain out of me.

"Sorry" she whispered "Jones I know your awake"

"Tried to fake it" I whisper as my eyes flicker open once more

"I know you weren't actually sleeping Jones" She said as she felt my arm and i hissed in pain once more

She tried to get me off the bed or at least sat up but as she tried to do so carefully and gently as to not hurt me anymore Ellie gripped onto me tighter. This caused me to whine. The whine woke up Helen and Ellie and Dr Anderson said "Morning"

She took me off Ellie and checked my arm and looked at my arms and said "Straighten them"

I tried but only could do one arm. "Jones did you realise your elbow might be broken?"

"No, not to the dull pain set in this morning no" I mumble and it's a surprise how the other females can hear it

Ellie looks guilty and Helen whispers to her "not your fault Ellie, she probably got it from falling into the water"

"Yea, she didn't fall on land so only explanation is her fall into the sea" Ellie smiled softly even if deep down she still felt slightly guilty. Which was understandable but just like how the eel had stung Ellie wasn't my fault. My elbow maybe being broken wasn't Ellie's fault.

Dr Anderson called for Harry my doctor and this is when havoc ensued. As the men woke up and too many voices hit my ears as the sound waves travelled the room. 

Jones, Ellie and the eelWhere stories live. Discover now