Pranking Charlie and After

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Bronwyn had gave us permission to use the cafe and we were very thankful. She to helped in the planning and the making sure her husband, my uncle and Sam's brother would get pranked.

We opened the cafe door slightly ajar, not to much open so it wouldn't cause alarm. Dad placed a bucket up there. A bucket full of slime and glitter. Now time to wait it out and I hoped dad snapped a photo of my uncle looking like that. I smiled.

We wouldn't tell him all apart in the plan even if he would figure out eventually all who were taking part in the prank.

For example he would only suspect me first. I had a great poker face as dad said. Due to being with J no doubt.

Now we waited for my uncle to appear. Bronwyn texted her husband that she was unfortunately out and he would have to dinner himself. With the twins off out with Mandy and Norman, he wouldn't suspect it at all.

We hid behind the server and we ducked down we peered her heads just enough around the side so we could see his reaction before darting pack to ducking and muffled laughter and he wouldn't suspect nothing of the sort and nothing better.

Sam and Ellie on the side far from the door and me and Bronwyn on the side closer to the door.

Now we waited.

Soon he arrived and I bit my lip. We saw him walk to the door humming a sea shanty song in English. A song I knew fluently in Welsh. He only knew the English version though.

He approached the door and opened it without warning. Then the bucket fell onto his head coating him in glitter and slime and he says "Jones!!!!!" Just as dad snaps a photo of him and I say a very innocent "Yes uncle Charlie?"

"Did your dad do this?" He asked me

"Do what Charlie?" I ask looking at him

"Hold on, it was you, come here" Charlie said and he saw my smirk appear as I challenged him "Come get me"

I raced it upstairs and he went upstairs also but to have a shower and dad with Ellie's help cleaned the stairs before helping Bronwyn with the rest of the floor.

Soon they heard some laughter and then they saw Charlie carrying Jones by her ankles.

"Where is Jones?" Charlie said a smile appearing on his as he smiled at my laughter as he helped me up the correct way a tad before letting me go after making sure it's safe

"Charlie, May I have my daughter back?" Sam asked

"AGAIN" I changed

"Another day Jones, me and Bronwyn are going out on a date and she's paying cor this" Charlie told me

"A date" I ask confused

"Two lovebirds sometimes leads to-" he started

"Thank yoy Charlie, sometimes that can happen by itself" Sam said quietly

Charlie and Bronwyn knew what Sam meant and Sam met Ellie's worried looked and mouthed tell you later and he picked me up as Charlie kissed his head to apologise

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