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It had been two weeks, and Bella hadn't been getting any better. In fact, her health was declining rapidly, but she insisted on keeping it. Her face was gaunt, cheekbones stuck out and her eyes were sunken in. Her hair was limp, her skin grey. Bella was constantly cold, her pulse weak and her blood was straining to flow through her body.

Everyone was worried about her, watching her become this shell of nothing. Edward had become hostile, barely even speaking to his wife. He was angry, and upset, that Bella had not thought about him in the equation.

Since there was a big possibility of Bella dying.

She had contacted her dad, telling him she was sick. Bella had stayed in the house since she got here, and all the vampires were stuck watching her decline.

Jasper and Aimee were sat on the opposite sofa to Bella, Aimee had her head leaning on Jasper's shoulder, as his hands were caressing her knuckles. He hadn't had it easy, feeling everyone's tense emotions, Aimee was trying to ease his stress.

Suddenly, the scent of a werewolf filled their noses and everyone perked up. They heard a motorbike engine cut off, and Carlisle sped downstairs, meeting Jacob at the door. Everyone upstairs looked at each other.

"How does he know?" Aimee asked, sitting up and hearing Jacob come upstairs.

"Charlie." Edward muttered as Jacob entered the room, all of the vampires tensed. If he found out about the pregnancy, he would pass it on to his pack.

No one spoke, but Jasper edged closer to Aimee, wary of the shape shifter. Rosalie stood in front of Bella protectively, she had been very close with Bella over the two weeks, helping her constantly. Jacob frowned and walked closer. Bella peered from behind Rose.

"I'm glad you came." Bella croaked, and Aimee winced.

Jacob stepped forward again but Rose stopped him, "Close enough."

"What's your problem?" Jacob asked, and Rose glared at him

"Rose, it's okay." Bella said, and Jacob moved around Rose to sit beside Bella, who was covered with a blanket. He took her in, and couldn't believe his eyes.

He sighed, "You look terrible." Aimee could agree with that, Bella did look terrible. Bella smiled and looked down at her hands, "It's nice to see you too."

"So, you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" He asked, and Bella asked Rose for help, who stepped forward and took her arm. Bella got up slowly, her face wincing in pain. Aimee looked away from the baby bump, which had grown rapidly. Every other vampire looked at it and frowned.

Jacob looked at it in disgust, then his eyes glared to Edward, who looked rough. Jacob then surged toward Edward, yelling "You did this!"

Emmett's hand grabbed his shoulder and stopped him, the collision sounding like a boulder. Jacob glared at him but didn't move forward. "We didn't even know it was possible." Carlisle explained.

"What is it?" Jacob asked, looking back at Bella.

"We're not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac." Carlisle answered, and Jacob glared back at Edward.

"I can't see it either, and I can't see Bella's future anymore." Alice added, her voice low. She was standing next to Esme, who was rubbing her back gently.

"We've been trying to research legends, but there isn't much to go on. But we know it's strong, and fast-growing." Aimee said standing up, Jasper quickly followed her, and Jacob glaring eyes moved to her. Jasper's lip curled back, warning him.

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