Time: 20:37

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"So, he's still in there, but good news is, we now know where COSA is headquartered so if they try to take Ugly ow----" Aster pokes me for that. That's kind of hazardous since we are on top of a building and I do not have the greatest balance. Also, I'm carrying the kid right now in the front pack backpack baby pack thingy. Okay, whatever, I don't know what it's called, but it's some sort of carrier thing made out of tough fabric that is nearly impossible to put on without an advanced degree in mechanics, and it's designed to carry your fat baby around in.

"It's good to know where they're at," Pippa says, she's next to me looking through binoculars, "I'm shocked he found them that fast."

"Me too, what do you want to bet they were looking for him?" I ask.

"How did you two meet anyway?" she asks, "Is he—whatever? Supernatural?"

"We met in a bar fight," I say, putting down my binoculars to let Aster look through them. He does not need to he has like x-ray vision he just gets pissed if I don't let him look through the night vision goggles. "I think it's just his husband who is supernatural, though."

"Huh, well, do you think we should go after him?" she asks.

"I think we should assess the situation should he need back up. That lady who took him was none too friendly, also what the fuck? Can't a person keep a half-bull swamp monster in their living room without censorship?" I ask.

"Language around the baby," Pippa says.

"Sorry. The person whom took Axel was none to friendly, also what the fuck? I can keep my half-bull puddle monster in my house if I like," I say, "They've been on my trail for years. I hate these guys."

"If they're out in full force due to the solstice then perhaps it would be better to take an offensive," she says, petting Aster's head.

"Are you me and the baby really up for an offensive?" I ask, pointing to Lee. Lee, for the record, is in a little black snow suit, and little black hat over his fat baby head. And he is wearing little aviator glasses. Lee was born with very, very light grey eyes. Apparently it's a rare genetic mutation, so as his eyes got melanin when he grew, they turned a very faded blue similar to his mom's, but he has a strange mutation thing that causes the blood to burst, and so they look blue mixed with red, which would purple. Yes. My baby has light purple eyes. It's very light, and they look more blue than purple really. The doctors said he's fine, it's just a thing, but to keep glasses on him because his eyes are so light. So. We keep glasses on the baby at all times. Well, all times when he's outside. Yes, it is now night out. the baby does not understand the difference and has been so conditioned to wearing glasses he now requests 'glasses' and cries if we refuse. So the baby is wearing glasses in the middle of the night. I mean it's eight thirty but you know. Middle of the night for a baby.

In conclusion, I'm standing on a rooftop with binoculars, in a tattered Goonies t-shirt, ripped jeans, and vans, Mountain Dew coursing through my veins, carrying in a baby backpack a baby that looks like a brown James Bond.

He does though, and it's funny. He almost  has his mother's skin-tone, which is warmer and a bit darker than mine, though his hair is curlier than hers. I already said, she has these really light blue grey eyes. Her dad is white or mixed or something, hence the blue eye gene that got passed down. Except I'm part Ethiopian or something so I'm fairly brown, we have a significantly brown baby with purple eyes. Kind of funny. My mom thinks the baby is adorable, weird alien eyes and all. She's gotten him like fifteen pairs of glasses already; it's actually becoming a problem.

"I am always up for an offensive," Pippa says, seriously. She's shorter than me and very dangerous. Her long black hair is tied up now, underneath a black knit cap. She usually wears a religious headscarf, which amounts to covering her head when she's not in the house or with family. So like obviously she doesn't wear a hat around me or apparently Axel cause he came in earlier and she didn't care.

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