Time: 2:30

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"I don't understand how we got here," I sigh. I'm in my father's office, of course. They took off the cuffs. There are about ten of them guarding the door lest I make a break for it.

"Neither do I, honestly," my father says, leaning back in his chair.

"When did I become your prisoner, not your son?" I ask, "I'm just a wayward project to you, aren't I?"

"You don't get to say that after you've been out all night, doing god knows what—,"

"Walking about! With someone who is nice to me----who I've asked you to let go," I sigh.

"You don't get to make requests. Not right now. Why should I do you a favor after the time and money you've cost me tonight?"

"I'm not ---that is the fucking point and I know I'm a kid and stupid and I've had my brain scrambled mostly by you way, way too long but the point is, that you---I should mean more to you than time and money. And if you loved me as you claim then you would love me when I'm free and not in a cage," I scoff.

"I do love you. And I am protecting you. Do you have any idea how long you'd last outside these walls without my protection? Do you? How long you'd remain healthy?"

"That's the thing---father---I don't strictly care. I'd sooner spend one afternoon out there—free—able to see the birds and touch the sky, than spend century here," I say.

"You're being dramatic. As usual. You're confined to your quarters until you can respect the protections I have for you. For us both."

"That's the point—yeah I probably am being dramatic but I'm not a child anymore I can be dramatic if I like and it's my choice how I spend my life."

"You're acting like a child."

"Fine, you know what? Fine, lock me up, but let Evans go, he wasn't turning me in he was being nice he just wanted me to get home safe," I sigh, "Do what you like with me but promise me you'll let him go. He didn't turn me in to COSA that's obvious."

"I am not in the mood to promise you anything after the way you've behaved tonight," my father says, calmly, "I'll do with that man as I see fit. You clearly can't make good decisions, based off of your actions."

"I wish it didn't have to be like this," I sigh, "We had fun."

"You're the one who's making it like this Viktor, not me."

"I know, that's the problem. I know I am but—that's for the best," I say sadly, "I really did, like having you as my dad. When I was small do you remember you'd let me sit in your lap, and you'd go over equations with me? I think I knew Calculus before I could talk."

"What are you talking about?"

"And my mother told you that I would be good at what I liked. And you told her that I'd be the cleverest boy ever, because I was your son? And I was so happy—so happy with that. I wanted to be the cleverest for you, just for you not for me. You were right, you know, what you said when I woke up?" I say, blinking tears from my eyes.

"What did I say?" my father asks, suspicious.

"We didn't have enough time. You and me, us and her. None of us. We got what we got but, you know, it could have been longer. I'm sorry. I really tried. I did. I wanted to be what you wanted but I'm really, really not. Sorry for the trouble," I say, rocking on my heels.


I run straight past him and out the window. Of the 200th story.

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