Time: 7:23

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"Well hi, you look like you had a horrible night. I'm never going to see you again," I say, walking past Wilson and Bailey who are hugging each other and crying in the middle of the parking lot. "Here's the car."

"Do you know how to get to Heathrow?" Viktor asks, blinking blood out of his eyes.

"Basically, I know how to get out of here."

"Good enough."


"Why are you throwing them out the window?" Phoenix asks, spitting blood from his mouth as he finishes off another attacker.

"Why not?" I ask, shrugging, as I throw another body out the window.

"I'm sure there's a reason, but I can't think of it right now," he sighs.

"I'll get you out of here. I promise," I say.

"I know you will," he almost laughs.

That's when a massive wall of water consumes me. That sounds weird and that's because it is. One moment I'm standing there smiling at him. The next a wall of water is engulfing me from behind, dragging me out the broken window and down into the river.


"Well, that's different, but not all together surprising," my father says, watching calmly as the river rises up to drag Axel out of the building.

"Oh, shit," Circe winces sympathetically.

"Are we not going to talk about this?" my father asks, looking me up and down.

"Seriously you two? What have we said about kidnapping?" I say that because my mother is carrying a child that they clearly kidnapped.

"Axel found her, we're just minding her for a bit," my mother says.

"You realize that does not make it okay? Also, why are you this prepared to kidnap a child? No, don't answer that I don't want to hear what you think are good reasons," to paint the picture, the child is in a very comptenet child sling, wearing what are clearly clean clothes that my mother hand made, eating a cookie and sipping out of a juice sippy cup thing.

"We have never talked about not kidnapping people—,"

"Last week dad. Last Friday."

"That was dogs, different than people, also this is not kidnapping."

"Do NOT say it," I cover my ears.

"No witnesses, no crime," my parents say, in unison.

"I officially give up on you both," I say.

"You're really saying that standing there dripping in pigs blood at seven in the morning with a witch I told you not to associate with?"

"Yeah, yeah I am because there is no reason you should know it's pig's blood—,"

"Call it a lucky guess."

"Are we not gonna help him?" Circe points to Axel, who is standing in the middle of the river as the river rises up trying to attack him and bash him down with waves.


"It's good for him."

"Wear him out."

"Yeah, he's been going all night we want him to sleep for a bit."

"Looks like a one man job." My father and I, basically in unison.

"Give it a minute," my mother says, not concerned either, "He does have a lot of energy."

Red attempts to run past me, only for me to catch him by the shoulders.

"Forggedaboutit," I say, imitating Ev's tiny little New York accent, as my mother catches that child.

"I've got to go help him!" Red cries.

"Me too!" Ev says, in aforementioned tiny little New York accent.

"You absolutely do not," my father says, as my mother holds Ev off the ground.

Phoenix tries to rush by us, but my father was fully ready to tackle him.

"No, that is a one man job," my father says, grabbing Phoenix around the middle.

"No, I have to go help him—,"

"Nobody is helping him—-you quit laughing," my father says as he and my mother nearly break at some inside joke. They have a lot of those. "He is perfectly fine."

"He does look fine," Circe is videoing this now.

"I'm gonna kill him," another witch is standing next to her, and notices her filming and knocks the phone out of her hand.

"Looks like the gang is all here," I observe. Axel's rival That Tool© who likes to track supernatural occurrences and video them for profit, is stopping some small Special Ops looking woman from also running in an helping. He's got in a little backpack, a baby that looks like a WallStreet banker. That's a lot of information you really don't need, but it's what was happening so I thought you should know.

"So long as my dad doesn't show up," Circe mutters.

"No let me go!! I have to help him!" Red protests.

"Pleeeese?" Ev is begging now, in a little New York accent, limp and obedient upside down in my mother's arms.

"No, completely no, when you're older also no," my mother says.

"Really? You wanna die a second time? You want him to just decide to kill everyone on the face of the earth because you died another time? Is that what you want? I'm gonna wrap you in fucking bubble wrap," my father, holding Phoenix who is also struggling.

"Wait, can we do that?" my mother asks.

"I mean he doesn't breath?? We could at the very least micro-chip him."

"You two are disgusting. I'm not gonna acknowledge you in public either," I say, holding Red off the ground.

"We're really not gonna help him?" Circe asks.

"No, he's good. Let him wear himself out," the other sea witch says, "I give up. That's it. I give up."

"I thought you'd already given up," Circe says.

"I did; then I got shamed into attempting to parent the hellion again by the worst parent ever who can't control her own six evil spawn that have never once in millennial experienced anything like cognitive thought," she says, face in her hands, "I can't watch. Tell me if he actually dies again."

"I will," Circe says, supportively.

"I hope she doesn't kill you," the sea witch says, patting my head.

"Thanks?" I say, frowning.

"Does anybody have any alcohol?" the sea witch asks.

"I do, back pocket of my backpack, the outside one, there's a flask of whiskey and the green one is vodka I can't get it because I'm preserving this one, but you can go ahead, shut the fuck up Trev," my father, of course.

"I didn't say anything!" I had something nice prepared though.

"Thank you," the sea witch says, getting the alcohol.

"Is that your kidnapping go-bag? Is this always prepared? Is this something I need to worry about?" I ask.

"I said shut up."

"You can't say 'shut up' before I've said the thing."

"I clearly can---will you quit!?"

"No, I promised him I'd be there," Phoenix is still writhing. So is Red but let's face it, I've known this kid since he was ten. I can do this all day. Ev is being good by the way, they follow directions well and are sitting in my mom's arms, eating a cookie. Their dad is here apparently, he's videoing this and eating.

"I'm sure you also promised him you'd be alive so settle down," my father says.

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