Time: 5:27

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"We're losing," I pant, dodging another ghost. I have knives Circe has her magic. But there's still two of us and several hundred agents. The other ghosts are just trying to escape. But the agents? They are all intent on getting Phoenix back. And I'm sure he has more than enough to contend with on the stairs.

"I noticed," Circe pants, wiping sweaty hair from her face, "Damn it. My father wins another bet it seems."

"What does that mean—,"

"That I can't go twenty four hours without turning large groups of people into edible farm animals," she growls, lancing her hands.

"Is he going to find out? I mean the sun, isn't up, and I'm content to lie about it," I offer.

"We'll find out," she sighs, bracing her hands, then wrenching them apart, twisting her fingers, as bright purple magic curls from her palms and mouth as she chants the spell.

With a sickening scream, our opponents start falling to their knees, skin wrapping around itself as they are painfully transformed.

Transformed into pigs.


"You couldn't make this easy could you Axe?" I growl, as I fight my way up the stairs. I don't know if all of the agents know who I am but they are sure as hell acting like it.

Blessedly, I spend my free time wrestling with the human equivalent of an AK-47. I have decent stamina. More than that, I also wrestle with our son whenever he gets mildly frustrated about being a short red-haired person. So I am used to more than one opponent. And, well, the stairs? About only two people can come at me at once.


I turn and run. I slip in blood and then I can't get up in time so I wait as he passes. This isn't a fight. It's a blood bath. I don't know what time it is. I just pray I can make it till dawn.

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