Chapter two

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Your POV

Eventually the introductions were done and we filmed the intro for the video and got the footage we need for information on the castle to give the viewers and ourselves a little knowledge as to what to expect here.
I once again, didn't pay much attention to what was going on. There is something or someone in that castle that is trying to get me in there as fast as it can and I want to know why.
After all the outside filming was done we went inside and I found out that only Sam, Colby, josh, Seth, and I are spending the night in the castle, meaning that the other three are leaving eventually.
We got a tour and stories/information from the groundskeeper guy, by the time he left I had already heard and seen a few things, so I wrote the words down in my notebook and drew quick sketches of the things I saw.
Whoever this entity is they seem interested in me and I want to know why.
I'm guessing Colby noticed that I hadn't been talking much and that I was clinging to my notebook, that he got me when we were teenagers, I use the notebook he got me because it made me feel safer and more comfortable.
"Hey y/n, you okay? You haven't spoken much and your holding on to the notebook super tight." Colby asked sounding concerned.
I showed him the first page of notes that I have gotten.
'You see me?'
Is all that page says.
I'm a little freaked out and confused but I don't make it obvious as to not worry my brother and his friends.
"Holy shit y/n/n that's scary as hell. Are you alright?" My brother looks up from the page to look at me.
"Colby, how did they know my name? That's all I want to know." I state calmly, or at least seeming calm to him, causing Colby to go tell the others about what happened and what I heard.
After Colby told them they all looked up at me and Seth came over and asked to see the notebook, for some reason I felt like I could trust him so I gave it to him to look at.
"Is there more than just this page?" He asks me.
I nod and turn to the page of the doodle of the spirit that said all that stuff.
"Holy shit." He tells me before lowering his voice to a whisper so the others don't hear him "did you show this to Colby?"
As soon as he asked I shook my head no and looked at the notebook and back at Seth.
"Please don't tell Colby about it, I'll show him eventually, I just want to know more about the entity before I show him." I ask him quietly so no one hears me.
"Of course, I got you." Seth replies with a small nod.
I smile in return as a thanks and we turn to the rest of the group.

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Where stories live. Discover now