Chapter twenty-seven

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Your pov
I had a great day, until it ended with me, wil and Seth in the call....
Seth said 'oh yea I remember that!' As if he shouldn't remember it.. I'm probably just thinking too much into it. Seth loves me. I know he does. I don't have to worry about it.... Do I?
It's just...
He got.....distant after the stream telling the internet that we are together. I've been thinking about it for a few days now, I just don't know how to justify it.
I shake my head, going to bed to stop my train of thought.
I'm overthinking it...obviously.

The next morning I wake up feeling tired, the thoughts of last night still in my mind. I decide to watch stranger things, seeing as it has always helped me feel better.

"Y/n?! Are you home?" I hear from the door.
"Yea I'm in here colbs!" I yell back at him from the couch.
"Hey kiddo, I've got a surprise for you." Colby speaks, coming into my view.
"I'll let this one slide because you have something for me." I state, hating being called kiddo.
"Good." He states before clapping loudly.
"Wow colbs didn't know you could clap... I'm so surprised." I say sarcastically, before I hear the door close.
I raise my brow and turn around to see the one and only... "WILBUR?! What are you doing here?" I get up and immediately run to hug him.
"Tomorrow is your birthday, and you think I'd miss that?!" Wil exclaims with a grin.
"Colby! Did you come up with this?!" I frantically ask my brother.
"Possibly." He replies with a smirk.
I run and hug him.
"Thank you.. THANK YOU! I love you so much Colby!" I tell him.
"I love you too" he laughs at my reaction.

It's been about two hours now since Wilbur got here and we're deciding on what to do for dinner, when I feel like I'm forgetting something...
I'll deal with that later, it'll be fine.
"What if we order in?" Wil suggests.
"I'd be down as long as they have fried pickles." I laugh.
"Alright then" he laughs with me as we order the food and have it delivered to my apartment.

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Where stories live. Discover now