Chapter three

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Your POV

By the time Seth and I were both looking at the group, they had the evp recorder out of the case of equipment and they were waiting for us to get done talking so we could do the evp process and hopefully get some answers as to what was going on.
Before they start I see the same entity that had said the words to me walking towards the evp to answer the questions as if she knew that she's the one the session is for.
I nod at the boy holding the recorder, signaling that the entity was here and to start the session.
—recording session—
"How did you know my name"
~been with you~
"Who are you"
~y/n know~
"What do you want from her"
~protect her~
—recording session done—
We ended the session and the lady walked away quickly, it was almost as if she didn't want to be in the room when we played it back.
My eyes widened at what she answered, I have no idea who she is or how she knows me but maybe the guys can help.
"Guys listen to the play back quick. I heard them as we were recording and I'm confused." I say quickly trying to get this over with.
They play the recording.
""How did you know my name""
~been with her~
Colby looks over concerned but we continue the playback.

""Who are you""
~y/n know~
"Well that one doesn't help much. But who is it y/n?" Sam asks me.
"Sam if I could figure that out we wouldn't be in this situation." I tell him laughing a little bit while sighing.

""What do you want from her"
~protect her~
"Okay so clearly something is missing. but what?" Colby states causing Seth to look up at me.
I sigh knowing what Seth wants me to do, before showing Colby the sketch of the woman.
"How long has this been done." My brother asks me sounding a mix of worried and upset.
"I did the sketch when I saw her. But I finished the detailing during the evp session." I state.
"Ooo there's more?" Seth asks before walking over and looking at the picture.
My eyes widen at Seth's comment knowing that Colby's going to react weird about it.
"Shit" I mumble under my breath,waiting for my brother to speak.
"Wait, Seth, what do you mean more? You SAW and you KNEW about the sketch?! And neither of you cared to tell me about it?!" Colby gets more upset.
"Colby I didn't want to worry you more than you already were. I'm sorry. I showed Seth because I figured I had to show someone and not keep it to myself completely, I just couldn't show you because you would have freaked out." I tell him while hugging him knowing it would calm him down, it was how I calmed him down since we were around nine years old.
"I guess it's Fine. Now, who the hell is it y/n/n" He asks letting me go and looking down at me since he's taller.
After he let me go I look over and see the lady looking at Seth. My eyes widen in worry, she looks at me before saying.
'You trust him?' I nod a little bit making the spirit smile.
I wrote down the question she asked me. I stare at the drawing for a bit because something feels weird about this situation, if I have no clue who this woman was, why was she protecting me?
I need answers.
I need to talk to her alone.

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Where stories live. Discover now