Authors note!

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Unfortunately I have no ideas on where I want to go with this book anymore, thus meaning it will be ended as it is.
Im sorry for having to end the story without them being fully together or anything but I genuinely dug myself so many plot holes that I don't know where to go with this book anymore.

I also want to thank you all so so much for reading and interacting with the book as much as you did.
I never thought that anything I created would ever get this much love!

Once again thank you so much for the kind words and the love on this book.
And I'm sorry again for the way I ended the book.

Have a good day/night/morning/evening! Make sure to hydrate!
Love you bye!

(Ps I do have a few other books you can check out at anytime if you want, and I'm even working on one without publishing it yet)

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Where stories live. Discover now