Chapter eight

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Your POV

By the time we all woke up it was around 9:30 am and we started to pack up and clean up the stuff we had laid out on the floor that we were sleeping on.
"So y/n how was being cuddled up to Seth all night?" Colby asks me causing Sam and josh to laugh.
"I have no clue what you are talking about bro." I reply.
I wasn't really cuddled up to Seth all night, was I?
Seth walked back into the room and Colby's eyes darted over to him.
Oh boy.
"Seth, were you or were you not cuddled up with my sister all night last night?" Colby asks Seth.
I see Seth's eyes widen a little bit before he started speaking
"She looked cold and we didn't have more blankets so we shared a blanket if that's what you mean." Seth told my brother honestly.
Is that what Colby meant? There's no way he's THAT protective of me that he would think us sharing a blanket is us cuddling.
"That's exactly what I meant. Thank you. Y/n had 'no clue' what I was talking about." Colby sassed me.
"I just didn't think that's what you meant, but okay pop off you weirdo." I reply to my brothers stupidity.
Seth looks at us not knowing what to do before Sam speaks up
"Colby, calm down dude. All they did was share a blanket so she didn't freeze, it was really cold in here last night."
Josh, Seth, and I just nod since Sam had a point, it was cold as all hell in there.
"Fine. lets just pack up so we can leave." Colby does not seem happy about me sharing a blanket with Seth last night, but he's the one who made the sleeping arrangements.
"Wasn't He Literally the one who put us next to each other on the floor when he made the arrangements?" I remark to Seth as soon as I know that Colby can't hear me.
In return I get a small laugh from the boy.
"Hey by the way here's my number, if you ever need to text me. I also wrote my Snapchat down because why not." Seth mentions while handing me a slip of paper.
I very quickly put the paper in my bag so my brother doesn't get suspicious seeing as he's already in a weird mood.
"Y/n You Ready yet?!" Colby yells from downstairs.
"On my way down now!" I yell back as Seth and I head down the hall towards the stairs.
After we get down the stairs and to the door where Sam, Colby, and josh were waiting for us, we all head to the two cars we took here.
Passing the groundskeeper from last night we said thank you and bye.
We soon got to where we parked and split into our two groups of Sam, Colby, and myself in sams car, and josh and Seth in joshs car.
"Bye guys! It was lovely meeting the two of you!" I tell Josh and Seth giving them small hugs before heading to the car.
Sam and Colby say their goodbyes as well and soon enough we are in the car driving back to the apartment building I live in so they can take me home.
"Colby, I'm sure y/n/n wants the answer to this as well, but what the hell was up with you this morning?" Sam asks my brother for both me and himself.
"I don't know I just didn't like the idea of y/n and Seth cuddled up I guess." He answered truthfully.
"Your the one that made the sleeping arrangements Colbs. And besides we were legit just sharing a blanket since mine was thin." I remind him while Sam nods in agreement.
"I'm sorry y/n. I overreacted, I know, I just don't want to see you get hurt. I'm your brother I'm supposed to protect you." Colby apologizes causing me to nod.
"I'm not the only one you need to apologize to you know, Seth was just keeping me from freezing." I reply as my brother agrees with my and pulls out his phone more than likely texting Seth an apology and explaining why he blew up.
After Colby puts his phone away we pull up to my building.
"Thanks guys for the invite. And thank you Sam for the ride." I thank the boys as I grab my back pack and get out of the car.
"No problem, y/n it's always great to see you." Sam replies as he and Colby drive off to their house.
Walking up to the door I hear a familiar voice behind me.
"There's no chance we live in the same apartment building."
I turn around and see that's it's Seth.
"How have we never met before last night? Holy shit that's crazy." I tell him as we walk in together.
"What floor do you live on?" Seth asks me seeing as we were getting in to the elevator.
"I live on the fourth floor. What about you?" I tell him as he clicks the fourth floor button.
"No ducking way. I'm on the fourth floor too I'm apartment number 421." He tells me before my jaw drops to the floor.
"We're NEIGHBORS?!?! I'm number 420!" I tell him as we burst out laughing.
"You lucky motherfucker. I wanted 420 but it was taken by the time I moved in. I guess it was you all along." He tells me laughing harder.
By the time we calm down from our laughing fit the elevator reaches our floor so we walk to our apartments.
"Well this is us. I guess I'll see you soon, neighbor." Seth says, unlocking his door and walking in.
I do the same.
After I'm completely in my apartment I lock my door and put my bag down on my kitchen counter.
" I should really shower." I say to myself.
I grab my phone from my bag and the paper Seth gave me earlier falls out with it.
I decide to put his number in my phone and text him that it's me so he can do the same, I then add him on snap and he adds me back almost immediately.
I snap a picture of me holding a towel with the caption 'about to take a shower :)'
I get a response back as I'm setting up my small speaker I use for music.
It's a picture of him with the caption saying 'same ;)'
Well damn he's either flirty all of a sudden or wants me to believe he clicked the wrong button.

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Where stories live. Discover now