Chapter twenty-two

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Your pov
It's been about three months since Seth and I started dating, and we are currently keeping it a secret from the internet.
Right now I'm streaming on twitch, just chatting with my viewers and messing around.
"Y/n?! You home?" I hear from my door, causing me to laugh.
"One second chat, Colby actually used his key to my place for once." I state before muting and going to my living room.
"What's up Colbs? I'm just streaming at the moment." I ask upon seeing my older brother.
"Oh, my bad. I got bored and couldn't think of anything else to do, so I came to annoy you." He laughs.
"Wanna come hang out on stream with me for a bit?" I ask, already knowing he'd say yes.
He nods and we head back to my room, grabbing a chair for colby on the way in, i unmute and sit down.
"Alright chat, Colby's here now since he got bored." I laugh as I hear my donation sound alert go off.
"Imagine making friends from watching their vods while eating food."
Oh for fucks sake...
"Thank you Wilbur for the donation, also at least I don't lurk in my friends chat.." I laugh making Colby confused.
Chat goes absolutely insane, asking how long Wilbur and I have been friends and if I'm friends with any of the other members of the dream smp.
"I dunno chat. Maybe I have a few surprises for you guys in the next month. Maybe I don't." I state before noticing that it's time to end stream.
"And on that note, it's time to end stream chat! I will be raiding.... Wilbur! I didn't even know he was streaming but okay! Anyways chat, have a great day/night and make sure to be taking care of yourselves! Love you guys! Byeeee"
I end stream and get up, telling Colby that Seth is coming over and that he can stay if he wants.
"Stay here and third wheel my little sister and my friend? No thanks. I was gonna head out anyways to go pack for a trip. Love ya kid!" Colby says, heading to door. As he was opening it he heard a knock.
"Hey Colby! I didn't know you were here." Seth speaks.
"I just stopped by to see the little sister for a bit before heading on a trip for YouTube. I am heading out though so have fun, but not too much fun. Bye guys" Colby speaks one last time heading out the door and down the hall to the elevator.
Seth laughs and comes into my apartment.
"Hiiiii!" I say from the couch, excited to see my boyfriend.
"Hello gorgeous. I come bearing food!" He exclaims, walking to me.
"Your the best!" I laugh giving him a hug and kissing his cheek.
He goes beet red and laughs with me.
"How was your stream today?" He asks.
"Amazing! Chat is hyped for the announcements.." I trail off.
"Are you sure you want to tell them?" I ask.
"Of course I am! Are you?" He spoke softly.
"If your okay with it, then so am I." I tell him, giving him an actual kiss.
"Okay dork, let's eat our food before it gets cold." Seth laughs before sitting down in my couch, dragging me with him.
We grab our food and put on... Wilbur vods like usual. Some traditions never die... they just evolve.

Y/n Brock x Seth Borden Where stories live. Discover now