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"Where are you? We need to talk, call me Jalen" -Lani
Jay sighed while reading the text message from Lani, it's been 3 days since they last spoke.

"Are you fucking kidding me" Erin says while grabbing Jay's phone and throwing it on the side of the bed.
"What the fuck yo" Jay frowned while looking up at her
Erin shook her head "Listen when I'm here, you pay attention to me. Not the problems you and your little ass girlfriend are going through nigga"

"My bad yo" He smiles pecking her lips "she kicked me out" he said lowly.
Erin laughed "technically she told you to leave the house, you just never came back" Erin says
Jay smacked his teeth "same thing"

Erin opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted by one of the girls almost kicking through the door.
"JALEN!!" Mya screamed walking into the room but stopped abruptly when she noticed Erin.
Mya laughs to herself while looking between both Erin and Jalen.
"Of course your little hoodrat is here" Mya spoke shaking her head and placing her hands on her hip.
"Rice cake don't play with me" Erin stood up
"Bitch I got yo rice cake, come over here" Mya responded walking closer
Erin laughs "hoe please don't you have some rice to be cooking? lo mien? Better yet let's go find you some rats to fry up why don't we?" she scoffed

Jay chuckles "mya what you want"
"Nigga you but I'll wait for this hoodlum to leave" she spat

Erin walks up to Mya "bitch don't disrespect me" she says while slapping Mya across the face making her fall back on the floor.
"Bitch is you crazy" she yelled out, getting off the floor kicking Erin in the stomach.
Erin falls to the floor covering her face as Mya jumps on her repeatedly punching her upside the head. "Bitch" Mya mumbled still on top of Erin.
Erin manages to push Mya off of her. She then grabs Mya's hair pulling her closer then knees her in the face making Mya lose consciousness.

A loud shriek was heard making Barbie, Sasha and Emily walk into the room
"Bitch get off her" Sasha yelled out pushing Erin to the side by her hair
"Oh my God" Emily looks at Mya who is now bleeding from the nose.
"Get off me!" Erin screams while pulling her arm out of Sasha's grip

Jalen looks at them aggravated at what just went down "y'all bitches done now?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah done with you and all these bitches! Fuck you Jalen!" Erin got up, walking out the door while sticking her middle finger out in the air at him. Jay nodded his head at her "yeah aight you"ll be back, sucking on this dick"  He rebutted grabbing the front of his pants.

Jay laughs walking back and forth, licking his top lip while he thinks to himself "so I'm guessing my rules don't mean shit to y'all anymore right?" he asked with a confused look.
"So I guess! I'm getting soft on y'all right!" he continued.
"What are my rules!" he demanded
Sasha, Emily and Mya both looked at each other, scared to speak.
"If y'all bitches don't speak! Ima put a bullet in y'all ass" He ordered pulling his gun from under his shirt making them jump in fear.

"Rule number 1: don't talk back" Emily nervously responded.
"R-rule number 2: don't barge in when the door is closed" Sasha responded.
Everyone looked at Mya who had her head down and arms folded up at her chest.

Jay kneeled in front of her placing his gun underneath her chin making her look up at him. "What's rule number 3 Mya?" he demanded.
"Fuck you!" she gritted while tears rolled down her face.
He chuckled while nodding his head. Jay's blood was boiling from the disrespect Mya was throwing his way. He cared deeply for Mya but hated the mouth that she had, Mya and Jay's relationship was different, they were on and off again for about 8 years before he started what Jay calls "Bawdy House".

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