T W E N T Y - S I X

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Elias took a few days to calm himself down. He went through all different emotions, locked in his house to prevent himself from doing anything stupid. He was vaguely aware of people trying to call him, but he hardly noticed as he let himself process everything and decide what to do. He had been angry, then sad, confused, anxious, but he realised at the end of it all he was just scared.

Scared of losing Allegra.

It made his decision about what to do a lot easier.

"Hello?" A voice said over the phone.


"Oh, finally," Gabe said dryly. "We were beginning to think you had run away. At least you could've answered your phone earlier."

"Sorry," Elias' voice was raw from days of not being used. "I had... a lot to think about."

Gabe was silent for a moment. "I understand. Really, I do. When Ally told me what was going on, I really felt conflicted. But with you not there, she needed me. She needs you, Elias. Omegas always need their mates during pregnancy, but especially one as stressful as this one."

"I know. I want to be beside her, too. My emotions got the better of me before. Where is she at the moment? Still at the hospital?"

"No, they let her leave yesterday, saying it was better for her condition to be in a relaxing environment with family. I told them that those two things don't exactly go hand in hand with us. So, she is with your family."

Something about the thought of her with his family was comforting. Other than at his side, that was probably the safest place she could be. "Thank you."

"Elias," Gabe warned, though his tone felt more anxious than intimidating, "you have to keep her safe. She... She is my family."

"Trust me, I will do everything I can to make sure she is okay," Elias' voice was soft. "I can't lose her either."

He had never been so anxious knocking on his parents door before

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He had never been so anxious knocking on his parents door before. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he actually knocked and didn't just let himself in. Something about this situation felt like he should knock though. He waited, heart pounding, for the door to open, wondering if he had waited too long to come back to her.

"Look who finally shows up," his mother answered the door, eyebrow raised as she eyed him, but nothing but affection in her gaze. "Took your sweet time."


Poppy shrugged, but didn't step out of the doorway. "Not me you have to kiss up to."

His father appeared behind her, eyes much harsher. Poppy smirked knowingly and slinked out of the way, letting Ben take her spot in the doorway. He paused there for a moment and looked at his mate, unspoken words passing between them, before he shut the front door and left the two of them outside. When his father looked at him again, he suddenly felt like a teenager, about to be scolded for staying out too late.

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