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Feyuna and Sin were already on their way home.

They picked up her staple food crop produce in a warehouse of the same size as the first one.

After that, they picked up another batch of industrial equipment and machinery for her brother. It was placed in the same warehouse of 50,000 cubic meters on their first time of collection.

Lastly, they went to collect the staple food crop produce of her brother in a warehouse of 50,000 cubic meters volume in size. There were only four kinds of produce which were rice grain, noodles, white flour, and nuts.

She was actually a little embarrassed seeing her brother's practicality. In these four, nuts and rice were required to help survive the virus infection. The other two were hard-to-come-by goods in the apocalypse. From what she could remember, her brother collected similar practical goods.

For example, when he collected drinks, it only included fresh milk and hard liquor. Fresh milk could help in battling and surviving the virus infection successfully. Whereas hard liquor was a luxury good and very valuable in the end times.

There's also cloth making materials. He only collected cotton and black wool and black cloth.
These materials has a certain blinding effect on lower level zombies. As long as the wearer wouldn't make a noise, the zombies wouldn't easily find him or her. Especially clothes with cotton.

Another example of her brother's ingeneusness was his choice of collecting ready made clothing. He only collected black sports wear and combat clothes.
Speaking of this, he showed her some designs of customized one-piece black military style combat suit last week. He let her choose one design. He seemed to have commissioned someone to make it for her and for his self.

Anyways, her brother basically collected things in a very practical way. It made her embarassed to show her list of item category with assorted and numerous types and choices.

While they're on their way home, she asked her brother about their itinerary abroad. Then chatter about what she wanted to buy.

In the end, she chattered about the abilities.

"Brother, what power do you want to have?"
Feyuna asked her brother for the second time.

"Anything." he casually answered making her curious of what he has been thinking.
She didn't ask though as she thought that he's thinking about work again.

"You must be particularly powerful. You're so capable that even weaker abilities would be strong in your hands." she muttered while thinking of her brother's looks while swinging his hands and killing zombies.

Her brother looked very powerful when he killed zombies in her previous life. He's very neat and full of power. And that was when he didn't have any ability.
He'd surely look very handsome when he has one.

She never thought that her brother wouldn't awaken an ability. She still remembered her brother's fast reflexes and speed when saving her in her previous life.
If he was not killed, he should have gained his ability earlier than she did.

Thinking until here, she couldn't help feeling down.

She felt her brother's worried gaze on her even though he's driving the eight-wheelered truck.

"I'm fine. I just remember something from my dream. Brother, if it weren't for me, you should've been very powerful." she sadly muttered.

Her brother stopped the truck and turned towards her. She guiltily met his serious gaze.

"Feyuna, if your dream was really real you have to remember that it was already over. You must remember that this is our reality. The apocalypse didn't happen and even if it did, you will still have me. I won't leave you like I did in your dreams."
Sin was really helpless against his sister. She didn't know but in fact, he thought that the 'him' in his sister's dream was really like him.

If there was any dissatisfaction in his heart about his sister's dream, it was in fact directed at him self. He dislike 'his' carelessness and 'his' thoughtlessness.

He would admit that if they were to experience the apocalypse without prior knowledge from his sister's dream, he would create a peaceful and good environment for his sister. He would safely guard her and protect her within his wings.
The 'him' in his dreams did the same as he thought. 'He' really protected her well enough to the point of harming her.

How was this protection different from the classic move that step mothers used to harm their step children?
'He' basically 'raised' her to be a useless 'dandy' 'dude'.

Although it was not purposeful, 'his' protection of her made her easily be attracted to trouble. It was fine if 'he' could handle the trouble but 'he' ended up failing and died.

That was the main reason why in his sister's dream, she lived a very lonely life.

Whenever he thought of this, he would feel uncomfortable. This was also the reason why he decided to train his sister in this life. Let her live like an extraordinary princess with intensive knowledge. One who could help him in troubled times.

Feyuna who was unaware of her brother's thoughts felt her heart relaxed somehow. She felt a warm sensation from her heart that spread throughout her body. She was really touched her eye's were turning red..

Umn.. She's not crying. She just felt something stung her eyes. Sniff..

Wooooh. Her brother was really the best brother in the world.

Feyuna in the End TimesWhere stories live. Discover now