Chapter 11

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The Captain of the guards stalked forward with his sword drawn. "I've waited a long time for this..."

Tommo bit his lip. "Curly, you better not be the only one who can use this..." He whipped around, brandishing the frying pan like a sword, acting confident.

The Captain swung his sword, the guards behind him surging forward to assist.

Tommo whacked him in the head with the pan, doing the same to the others, knocking them out. He whooped. "Oh, mama! I've got to get me one of these!"

Then Maximus whinnied threateningly, holding a sword in his mouth, prepared to fight Tommo as well.

Harry, watching the scene from across the chasm, was not standing for it. He called, "Tommo, hold onto the pan!" and threw his hair, wrapping it tightly around Tommo's arm. He wrapped some of the slack around a rock to take some of the weight off his head and then yanked Tommo off the ledge, hoping he was strong enough to hold him if Tommo didn't have the good sense to hold on.

Tommo grinned, saluting to Maximus before he was whisked away, clinging to the hair and laughing down at his former accomplices. "You should see your faces, you look-" He slammed into the water tower. "Ridiculous..."

Up above on the higher precipice, Maximus beat down a support beam with his hind leg. It fell across the chasm and landed on the ledge Harry was taking refuge on, creating a bridge for the soldiers to cross. Tommo was safe, but Harry had nowhere to escape to...

Tommo scrambled up to get a good footing, tightening his grip on Harry's hair. "Curly, jump! I've got you, just jump!"

Harry looked over in fear. He doubted whether or not Tommo could actually hold his weight but he also doubted Tommo would accept it if Harry decided he wanted to just surrender to the horse crossing the beam. So, he leapt from the ledge and hoped he wouldn't plummet to his death.

Tommo held on, making sure Harry didn't fall.

Harry got closer and closer to the ground until he was sliding through a puddle, waiting for Tommo to join him. Somehow.

He did, letting go of his hair and sliding down the water dispenser, accidentally knocking over the fragile scaffolding as he landed next to Harry, helping him gather his hair before running away from the Grimshaw, keeping a tight grip on the frying pan.

"Go, go go go go go!"

The scaffolding was collapsing and the dam was creaking, until it finally broke, the water rushing out and knocking the guards and Grimshaw over. Tommo shoved Harry forward into a cave, leaping after him as a huge rock fell against the entrance. He skidded against the ground, looking up and preparing to ask if he was ok before hearing the sound of rushing water. He looked back at the blocked up entrance to the cave to see water pouring in. He dropped Harry's hair and ran to the back of the cave, clawing at the rocks to find any sort of exit to get them out of there before they drowned.


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