Chapter 30

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"He'll come back, Robin... I know it."

Queen Anne was consoling her husband. Though she kept a brave face, she was also slowly losing hope that their son would ever return home.

"But it's been eighteen years... he might just be-"

Suddenly a palace guard burst into the room, looking deeply shocked.

The couple jumped, looking at him and past the doors. Anne stifled a gasp.

There were two men on their balcony, one looking very, very nervous.


Anne stepped out onto the balcony, carefully approaching the two. The younger's eyes...


He stepped forward, fidgeting with a handkerchief so hard it was ripping. "Um- Yup, that's me, the magic golden haired baby you lost-" He cringed. "No- wait, I'm sorry, that was dumb..." He scratched his head. "I- I used to be But I'm not anymore, for... reasons. Not that that's important to you! Or- maybe it is... 'cause I used to look one way and now I look different... but then again I also grew up so it's only natural you don't know what I'd look like- no, I should just shut up now. Sorry." He took a small step back.

Anne laughed tearily and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Harry..."

He cried, too, melting into her arms. "...Mom?"

Anne let out a happy sob, holding him closer. Her husband, who had stood back while he spoke, now joined the embrace, wrapping his arms around both of them. The family slowly lowered to the ground, Anne and Robin hugging their son tightly.

Louis smiled softly down at them, very happy for Harry and his parents.

Harry somehow managed to turn while still hugging his parents. He joked, "You better come down here and hug me or I'll push you off the balcony."

He laughed softly, kneeling down next to him and joining the hug, rather hesitantly, not sure how the king and queen would react to an escaped criminal joining their family reunion.

Anne looked up at him, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the hug. Louis jumped, before smiling and nestling into the embrace.

Harry eventually pulled away from the hug, feeling a little overwhelmed by the contact and emotion, and held Louis's hand for support. He was still bunching up his handkerchief to relieve stress. "So... I guess you two might be able to tell... I love Louis, this guy." He jerked his head to Louis and pecked his cheek. "You might not know who he is or you might recognize him as the thief who tried to steal my- the crown, but either way, it's not going to be a... problem that I love him... right?"

Anne smiled softly at him, before looking over Louis's face. "They never get your nose right."

"I know!" Louis's eyes widened and he shut his mouth. "Sorry." He smiled nervously.

Harry kissed the tip of his nose.

"Um... so am I still gonna, y'know... die, or-"

"Before you make a decision," Harry interjected, "I'd like to point out that Louis saved my life on multiple occasions. So..."

Robin smiled softly at Louis. "You saved our son and brought him back to us. That deserves a royal pardon a thousand times over. You're safe."

Louis let out a sigh of relief. "I was very worried I was gonna die again..."

"I wouldn't let that happen." Harry threw his arms around Louis's neck.

Louis smiled softly, hugging him. He glanced slightly nervously at his parents for a moment, before moving his attention back to Harry. "I love you..." he murmured.

"I love you more."

Louis laughed, gently kissing his forehead. "I love you most."

And this time, Harry actually believed it.


I'll upload the epilogue later today...

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