The alley way

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Agoti was walking down the street with some food in a bag for tabi. Tabi was sick so he offered to get him some food from a Chinese place.
He walked passed and alley way, didn't thing much of it untill he heard some commotion.
An unknown male voice said from the shadows,
Agoti raised an eyebrow and took out his phone and turned on the flashlight.
His eyes widened,
He saw a huge reptilian beast that had a floating head and arms with no lower body. It had a floating spine and it's nose was exposed to the bone, along with a giant rhino-like horn floating above it. It was holding down another person, they had glasses and a white hoodie with blue jeans. There was figure besides the creature, a black-hooded 'person' who looked somewhat similar to Agoti, but he couldn't tell with the hood on.
He (Agoti) shouted,
All three of them turned to look at Agoti, the person being pinned down had a terrified look on their face, the creature had a large mouth that split all the way up untill the exposed nose. The other figure.. look familiar..he has seen this face before..
"Spade-?" Agoti's mind said whirling with questions. The creature let go of the person and growled at him, showing the rows and rows of razor sharp teeth that seemed to be uncountable.
Spade's eyes where kept fixed on him and he gave a signal for the creature to catch the person that had been pinned, (they tried to escape) and to a halt. The creature sat down, shaking the ground beneath him, but now holding the person up by the hood and shaking it like a cat toy. Agoti was still in shock, he was zoned out untill a snap of fingers Infront of him snapped him out of it.
Spade was Infront of him, his eye gazed at him.
"Sorry about that-" Spade said awkwardly, "Nugget was hungry-". "Nugget???" Agoti asked, very confused.
"OH- yeah- that's his name". He nodded at the creature, who has eaten part of the person already.
Agoti had no words but then his thoughts quickly turned to anger
Spade gave a look as if he was offended, then he tackled Agoti and pinned him on the ground, he grabbed his hoodie and said, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THAT PERSON WAS SO SHUT UR MOUTH."
Agoti froze for a second, taken by his words he shot back, "WELL DON'T LET 'HIM' EAT PEOPLE IN GENERAL! WHAT IF HE GOES ON A RAMPAGE?!". Spade seemed calmed by his words, yet still annoyed. He took a deep breath and got off Agoti, "Look, that guy wasn't all innocent, He was my ex. And he was a fucking cheater. So watch what you say. AND Nugget is very well trained. I raised him". Agoti gave an awkward look, "oH- well fuck that guy." Agoti gave a small laugh. Agoti looked at the beast, and then he got the thought, the wonderful thought to pet him. "Can I pet him?" Agoti asked with sparkles in his eyes "Sure- ?" Spade said "Nugget,"
The beast's head shot to look at Spade from his mostly-eaten meal, chunks of flesh dropped from his mouth. "Agoti here, is going to pet you. Don't eat him". Agoti shriveled up at the words, 'don't eat him' Yet he gained back his confidence and walked up to the creature. Steam was coming off of the creature's exposed nose and slightly open Jaws. Agoti put his hand out to pet it, the creature sniffed his hand and put it's head against his hand. He gently petted the creature's white fur. Agoti, watched as he pet the creature in awe.
"He's so soft-" Agoti said in awe
"Yup! Brush him everyday (almost)."
The creature, (Nugget) jumped up near Agoti playfully, and then jumped away and onto it's back. Spade gave a little laugh and said, "He really seems to like ya". Spade smiled and checked his phone. "Oh- we have to go-". Spade said, "Do you need a ride home?" He said as he climbed onto Nugget's back. "HELL YEAH" Agoti said excitingly. Spade helped him up. "Hang on," Spade said with a smug "K" Agoti said as he grabbed on tight to Nugget's back spike. "Let's go" Spade said and he gave a signal for Nugget to go. Nugget jumped on top of the tall building and started darting towards the next one, and the next and the next. I admired the sunset as we leaped from building to building, I wish Tabi could see this.

When they got to Agoti's apartment, Spade helped him down off Nugget and waved goodbye. Him and nugget jumped back onto a building and into an alley way. Agoti smiled and walked into Tabi's apartment. He saw Tabi sleeping in an awkward position, he snorted a bit and set the food he had been carrying on his side table. He walked out and shut the door quietly, sneaking one more look at Tabi before he shut the door. He walked over to his apartment and unlocked his apartment door. He walked in, put on some shorts, took off his hoodie and shoes, and went to bed. He had dreams about riding Nugget again, and that Tabi could ride with him. He couldn't wait untill he saw Nugget and Spade again, and dearly wishing for Tabi to get better so he can tell him all about it.

(Oml i had to fix so many errors bc my lazy ass didn't check-)

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