The meeting

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(Hans pov  ⚠️ CURSING ⚠️)
"RUN!" I yelled, dragging the scientist by their collar. The beast roared and ran after us.. we ran down the hallway, i looked back a few times.. it was climbing on the ceiling... I ran ahead of Agoti and Tabi, still dragging the person. I ran behind a corner and Tabi and Shit followed.. "wait...wheres Clover..?" I whispered. Tabi and Agoti shrugged, "i think we left him" Agoti said, "no shit" i said, we watched the creature look around and merge with the ceiling again. I slowly walked out, i held the person with my fire-holder things i have for no reason, and quietly walked back to the spot where we apparently left Clover. I looked around the room, and CLOVER was huddled up in a corner, terrified. Tabi and Agoti ran over to ask what happened, I stood there, still holding the person. I rolled my eyes, "This thing is still looking for us... We need to go. Now." I demanded, they helped clover up and i threated the person a few times to tell us how to get out. We walked, walked, and walked. No sight of the entrance, "ugh.. this is useless, a waste of time." I said, eyeing the person. I lifted them up three feet in the air and raised my fist, "Tell me or loose your teeth. Speak." The person struggled for a moment and pointed down a dark hallway. "Great. We are DEFINITELY NOT going to find the thing there, get chased all over again, and die" my mind suggested. I rolled my eyes AGAIN and signaled the others, I grabbed the person with my fire and held my katana handle, just in case, y'know? My fire gave us light as we stepped into the knee deep sewage water. "Is it just me or is it oddly cold in here-" Clover said. "Nope just you." I said, not looking at him. "Ugh it stinks.." Agoti complained, "Yeah, no fucking shit Sherlock" Clover spat, "Shut up you runt" Agoti spat back. I sighed, "I swear on my mother's FUCKING ashes I'll kill them myself." Said my wonderful mind. "Your oddly quiet back there goat boy." I said, not looking. No response. "Tabi..?" Agoti said,
He.. vanished?
"Where is Tabi?!" Agoti asked, pointing at me. "I don't fucking know I've been leading you dumb fucks the whole time." I said, "Shut up prick, I'm sure he is here somewhere." Clover said, "Oh says the smartass" Agoti said, "Agoti quit starting shit. You want to find Tabi or not?!" I said. Agoti shook his head yes. "Let's keep moving, he will show up- maybe" I said. "So we're not even gonna look!??" Agoti said, "Nope. At least I'm not, I don't give one flying fuck for any of you." I spat. "Language" Clover said. We kept walking, and walking.
(This part is mostly walking through sewage water)
We walked for about 30 minutes, Agoti shivered and looked around. "Oh poor Tabi," He said, "Oh I'm sure he is fine, probably floating in sewage water, sleeping soundlessly." I said, I could tell Agoti was about to snap, heh, good. Getting kinda soft around here anyway.
We finally came up on a room.. a room filled with trash and dead animals. Clover and Agoti wrinkled their noses, I'm used to the smell of rotting corpses, hitman past, ah yes, Good old days. Anyway, we looked around, i looked up at the seemingly endless void above, but, it was just the black substance that has infected Nugget. It looked like it was...moving? I saw a bit of red here and there, with a bit of white. I grabbed my katana, something was up there and it was NOT happy. The ground rumbled, I honestly thought it was an earthquake untill I saw the giant creature slowly seemingly floating from the liquid.

It landed with a thud, it looked up and spread it's mouth-like frills behind and beside it's led, it let out a terrifying roar of destroyed voices and growls.I lost my grip and the person i was holding with my fire leaped down and ran through the tunnel again, "COWARD!" I yelled, i turned again to face the beast. I spread my fire-things that are super awesome around me like ribbons flowing in the wind. I pushed Agoto and Clover behind me. The beast let off a distorted laugh, it sounded like...
"You fool...Hans" It said, the giant X on it's chest seemed to search my soul for a special something. I looked at it in it's eyes, or what i thought where it's eyes. I was waiting for it to make a move, it's just my thing. "I have something one of you desires most....." It said in it's distorted voice. It pulled something from behind it's back,
It was Holding Tabi's limp body.
"TABI!!" Agoti yelled, Agoti tried  to leap after it but i held him back. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He demanded, "Oh nothing~" It said, tossing his body like a tennis ball. "He is just having a little nap is all~" it said. I looked at Agoti with a smug, i threw him back and Clover caught him. "I would like an exchange! Not violence~ i could give you everything, Power," it eyes Agoti. It bursted skeletal wings from it's boney back, sending little drops of the liquid into the water. "Hans! Oh Hans... I sense that you are vary desperate! For..him." It said, I narrowed my eyes, "Stay out of my head" I thought, it walked closer, I moved my katana slightly, getting ready to slash some ass. "Hand him over" I demanded, "And i will maybe, let you live." I said, letting my fire flow in the breeze that was oddly under the sewer. It laughed at my threat, "Oh, sweet mortals. You will have to challenge me. If you want BOTH their souls." It said, "A challenge..?" I said, raising a brow. "Hm..." I said, thinking. "What kind of challenge..?" I said, "a series of three challenges. One, find all of the Great Books in the library, Two, a race to the end of the lab and back. And finally...a duel. Will you take it? If you win, you get both theirs souls. If I win, i get all of your souls." It said, pointing at us. "Do we have a deal..?" It held out it's talon, for a handshake I guess. "Hans don't take it, it's a trick." Clover said. "Take it!" Agoti yelled. I thought for a moment...
"Deal" i said, i held my katana in my hand still, y'know why. I shook their talon.

"Let the games begin.."

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