Roommates. For now..

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Tabi awkwardly pulled away from the hug. Spade shook off the awe and said he got a text from his boyfriend, they could stay for a while. Spade hopped on Nugget waking him up, he waved his hand to signal for them to get on.
Nugget stretched from his nap and lowered down for Agoti and Tabi to get on.
Nugget sprang onto a building top and darted towards the woods. Tabi and Agoti hung on tight to Nugget's bloodstained white fur, while Spade hung on to his back spike.
Once they got near the woodland border, Tabi took one last look at the city before they disappeared into the undergrowth.
The sunset in the background made the buildings glow bright oranges and yellows, he saw red and blue lights where the hotel once was. The moment was interrupted by trees blocking the light and the buildings. Tabi turned back around. They where following a gravel road into the forest.
Soon enough, they encountered a two story house far in the woods, there was a huge backyard with a pool. Agoti was amazed and looked excited and Spade just smiled and shook his head. Nugget slowed down and lowered himself to where we can get off. Spade and Agoti hopped down and i slid off, Nugget looked at me with two void-like eyes. Nugget let out a small growl, showing some teeth. "For fucks sake, chill." And Tabi picked up his pace. Nugget let out a sigh and laid down near the entrance of the house. Tabi followed Agoti and Spade inside. "I'm home!". Spade yelled, and a voice answered back. "Alright! I'll be down in a minute!". Spade smiled and took off his hoodie to a white shirt, he tied his hoodie around his waist, He offered us some food while he walked towards the kitchen. Agoti happily accepted and so did I, We started eating some pizza rolls but Tabi heard someone walking down the stairs, and he saw a quite small yet mean looking person. Spade walked over and kissed them. "Awe that's cute," Agoti said teasing Spade, "oh hush-" Spade said rolling his eyes. The other person looked at me and Agoti, a killer look in their eyes, Tabi shot a look back at them. "Are these the people you told me about..?". They said coldly yet welcoming, (which didn't know what possible) "This is Agoti and Tabi, and yes these are the people who needed a place". Spade said nodding over to us (Tabi&Agoti) "Sup" we both said, "Jinx, owe me a soda", Agoti said with a wink, Tabi let out an annoyed growl. "Anyways, nice to meet you..i never got ur name?.." i said crossing my arms."...Clover". They said and started to walk back upstairs, "C'mon ill show y'all your room". Tabi and Agoti hoped up and followed him. He led us to a bedroom door. "I don't mind y'all staying here, just don't make a mess or i will beat y'all's ass". They handed us a key each and walked back down to the kitchen."So no tour of the house?". Agoti said. "Figure it out." Clover said as he walked down the stairs. Agoti and Tabi shrugged and opened the door to nice bedroom...with one bed. "Ugh we have to share a bed." Tabi said. Agoti shrugged and jumped on the bed and laid on it, looking at the ceiling and let out a sigh. "This bed is comfy". He said while closing his eyes, he fell asleep. Tabi sighed, he walked into the bathroom they had to share, and took a shower. He changed into some black shorts and got into bed with Agoti. He got comfortable and soon fell asleep, blushing hard that he was in the same bed with Agoti.
Tabi woke up in the middle of the night to Agoti hugging him like a toy bear. Tabi blushed so hard he looked like a tomato, he tried to push him off lightly but Agoti just hugged tighter. He gave up and went back to sleep.
Agoti POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon, and me hugging Tabi and his goat skull resting on my chest. I blushed a little and smiled, i gently pushed him off and stretched. I got out of bed and tiredly walked downstairs, I saw Spade cooking in the kitchen. "Good morning Agoti," Spade said and put a plate full of bacon and pancakes on the counter, along with three other plates of bacon and pancakes. I rubbed my eyes."Morning," I said in a tired voice. I walked over to the table and sat down. I began to eat the well cooked bacon. "This is good," I said stuffing my face. Spade chuckled, "well thank you." I heard someone else walking down the stairs, it was Clover. "Good morning babe" Spade said while tossing a few pieces of bacon out of the window for nugget to catch. Clover came over and sat by me at the table. I stared at him. "What?" He said with a cold gaze. I quickly got back to eating, he slowly went to eating his food. Soon enough, Tabi came down and said good morning. I looked at him and blushed. Damn he looks so hot right now. Wait what- I said in my mind. He came and sat by me and started to eat. "Best bacon I've had Ina while-" Tabi said eating. Spade smiled and thanked him. Spade came and sat down by Clover and ate his food. When we were all done, i took my plate to the sink to wash it, but Clover stopped me and told me yo put it by the sink. "You don't need to clean it, your a guest, now go get dressed." Clover said taking the plate and washing it. I shrugged and walked upstairs and put on a black hoodie and ripped jeans, while i was putting my shirt on, i heard someone enter. Tabi looked at me without my shirt on. "Uhm..." I said awkwardly and i quickly put on my hoodie. Tabi stood there blushing. "Well? Get dressed ya big doof" I said patting his shoulder, leaving the room. I walked back down and sat on their couch. "Where's the remote?" I asked looking over the couch. "It's right here" Clover suddenly said infront of me, picking it up from the side table. "Oh-".
I flipped through channels to a drama show, (i love those) and watched it. Clover said down near me and watched it to. "I'ma go to the store with Nugget, I'll be back in a min" Spade said leaving the house. "Ight, love you" Clover said blowing him a kiss, Spade winked and closed the door. "Wish I could have something like that" i said, my eyes still fixed on the TV. "What? YOU WANT MY MAN?!". Clover said balling up a fist. "NO NO NO- i mean that kind of relationship.." I said backing down and looking at my hands. Clover unballed his fist and said, "Oh, well it seems like that other guy likes you". Clover said fiddling with his sleeve. I looked at him  awkwardly, "Who? Tabi? No no - that's my best friend we could nev-". I was suddenly interrupted by Clover grabbing my jacket to meet his face Infront of his. "Dude, trust me- he likes you. I've seen it." Clover said letting him down a bit. "IT HASN'T  EVEN BEEN A DAY". I said, He let me go and rolled his eyes. "I still ship you two anyway heh". He said to me teasingly, "CLOVER!". I said covering my face and putting my hoodie over my head. "You'll be fine, if you don't wanna be with him then fine. Don't be" he said hoping over the couch. "I'ma go game if ya need anything". Clover said as he headed upstairs.
I thought about what he said.. 'if you don't wanna be with him, don't be.'
I took that in, and i decided.
I wanted to be with him..

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