Adventure! Again..

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I woke up with a yawn, Surprised, that i actually fell asleep by that prick. I got up and stretched,i looked over at Shot and Tabi, they where hugging! They are so gonna be come a couple. I though of Spade, and how he is..gone. I felt the tears run down my face. I quickly wiped them, i knew his secret, he isn't dead. His Ex was obsessed with him, i heard him saying Spades name while he slept,
Such a baby, I rolled my eyes and headed to the mini fridge. Nothing, just a monster. I shrugged and took it. I stepped out of the apartment, sipping on my stolen monster. I looked into the window, I touched it with my hand, i quickly pulled it back when I noticed the black substance on the window. How strange... I thought. I shrugged and headed back inside to wake the dickheads. "Aye get up" I nudged Tabi's shoulder He woke up, "What..." He said. "Your hugging Agoti first of all, how are y'all not a couple, i don't know. Anyway," i said. Drinking my monster, "that's mine." A voice said from behind me. I turned around slowly to see Hans, shirtless and in his boxers. "Ugh put a god damn shirt on." I said, Drinking the monster Infront of him. Tabi just looked, "Don't kill clover," he said. Agoti woke up and looked at Tabi, "what the fuck.." he said, looking at us with tired eyes. "We have to get moving, if we want to get to that place again, " i said, pushing Hans out of my way. He looked at me, his goggles with on top of his head. He took them off and set them in the table near Tabi, blood dropped onto the table from the goggles. He walked into the bathroom. And you know what he did, Tabi got up and put on his hoodie, Agoti fell back asleep, i walked over to the bathroom and knocked. "Yo hurry up i have to shit" i said, "Goddamn how does Spade put up with you?"
"He gives me what i want" i said simply,
He walked out and i did my business. I heard Tabi and him talking, no clue what they said, didn't care.  I got out and looked at Hans, his face..

(What it looked like)"What happened to your face?" I asked

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(What it looked like)
"What happened to your face?" I asked. "Spade, " He said, "He did it when he was beating me in the ally." He touched his scar, "Spade did that-..?" Tabi asked. "eh I'm not surprised" i said. "Me neither, he has always been like that that, ever sense we met. Reason I fell in the first place heh..." He said, i saw the blush fade from his face. "He's dead, you know." Tabi said, "Or is he?" Hans said, giving Tabi a side look. Tabi shot a look at him. Damn they got beef, well, i do too. For trying to murder me. I thought. "I will beat you," Tabi said. "Try it, goat boy" Hans spat back. I almost spit my monster everywhere when he said that, not gonna lie he has good comebacks. "While you two do- whatever. We need to get Agoti up and go. Right now." I said, throwing my monster can away. "Fine, " Said Hans, He put on a white shirt and threw is cape over his shoulder and walked out. Tabi rolled his eyes and woke up Agoti, i walked outside to see Hans smoking on the balcony, i looked at him and rolled my eyes. This would be a good time to escape... But i cant leave Tabi and Agoto with this prick. Hans noticed i was staring and raised a brow, i looked away and went to check if Agoti was up. I walked back in and saw Agoto getting his shirt on, Tabi slept in his hoodie.
(Time skip, Clover POV)
We walked to the end of the city. "Ugh we just got here, i don't wanna walk all the way back AGAIN." Complained Agoti, "oh shut up, I've walked from here and there just fine. Y'all are wimps" Hans shot back, Agoti looked at him and rolled his eyes. I would say something but, Hans had his flame-things around me. We walked for more hours, or minutes I'm stupid and too lazy to count. We FINALLY came up to the place, Hans sighed and looked back, Tabi was fine, Agoti was on his knee breathing. That's why you don't smoke, my mind said. We walked in and looked around.. Thanatos's body was in the middle of decaying. Agoti almost throw up and Tabi gagged. "The hell-" Hans said. I looked at Thanatos's body, i saw the deep scratch marks. Spades work, i knew, I've watched him do things like that before. Not surprised, it's Spade were talking about. Anyway, Hans followed Tabi to the place Spades body was. "Here, his body was here." Tabi pointed, "No no shit i can tell." Hans said, he bent down and touched the black trail. "Typical.." He said, "He is here, watching us." Hans said, standing up and looking behind himself. Tabi looked at him with a brow raised, Agoti watched, also confused as hell. "Spade is smart, and he is not dead. I know his secret." Hans said, I would smack my forehead if i could. "What's that secret." Agoti asked,Hans looks Agoti up and down. "Why should I tell you?" He said, we kept walking untill we heard footsteps and rustling down the hall, we hid behind a broken wall and slowly peered around the corner.  "That damn lab-person again" Agoti whispered, I rolled my eyes, I was gonna beat this persons ass anyway.. once I'm free from this prick. Hans put me down and slowly walked out from behind the corner, he signaled for us to stay in place. We watched as he put his goggles on and lifted his good and mask up. He sneaked behind the person quietly. They were studying Thanatos's body, writing things down and studying in again.. Hans crept behind him.. not a sound came from his feet. He got right behind them, but before they could turn around Hans kicked them over, sending them back a few feet. Their clipboard was left stranded by the body and Hans walked over to the clipboard and picked it up. He threw it down and stepped on it. The person was in shock. I kept watching. Agoto was behind me-eating?, I mean, i would be eating too. Something epic is about to happen. Hans walked up to the person and stepped on their chest, he lifted his katana and... "WAIT!" They yelled,
"Why should I? I've been waiting a while to do this.. I've been watching." Hans said, "i can fix him!" They said. "Him?" Tabi said. "Who is this- 'him'" Hans asked, putting more pressure on their chest. "The monster! T-The goo thing" they said, shaking. Hans just looking in confusion, so did Tabi, Agoti kept eating. "Oh.. " Hans said. He grabbed them by their collar and lifted them up. I walked out from behind the corner before Hans could say something, "Do you know where he is..?" I asked. They slowly nodded and pointed with their shaky hand behind Hans.
"I-its behind you.."

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