Wake up!

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Tabi woke up from his alarm going off, he clicked the button to turn it off and sat up. He felt like shit. He saw a bag on his side table and remembered that Agoti got him some food. He snatched the bag and made his way towards his microwave (he is in a small apartment btw) he put the food in the microwave and just stood there- waiting for the timer to go off. But before it the timer went off, someone knocked on his door. "OPEN UP BITCH!!" He heard Agoti yell. He sighed and walked to the door and opened it. Agoti stood over him, a few feet and gazed in his eyes. Tabi realized he was blushing and shook his head. "What do you want Agoti-?" He said in his heavy Russain accent. "Damn- cool down man. Aren't you gonna thank me for the food?" He taunted Tabi in a baby-ish voice. Tabi sighed and thanked him. Agoti invited himself in and sat on Tabi's small bed. "Where's the remote-?" Agoti asked looking under his bed. Tabi picked it up off of the TV stand and threw it to Agoti. He caught it and sat himself back down. He flickered through the channels, Tabi found himself watching a drama show with Agoti sitting next to him. He blushed a little and pulled down his hat to cover his face. "We should move apartments." Agoti said, his voice muffled by popcorn. "Wh- right, we can go today- but I don't know a place we can crash at". Agoti got an idea. He gave Tabi a a smug look. "I know that look- what are you up too now Agoti?", Tabi said rolling his eyes. Agoti picked up phone and called someone. Tabi heard someone unfamiliar.. He was going to ask who it was, but it would be rude to interrupt a call. "Alright, see ya in a bit." He ended the call. "He should be here in a few minutes so we better pack our stuff." Tabi was confused on the word 'He', he thought of another man standing next to Agoti and kissing him, Tabi filled with jealousy. "So.. who's 'he'?". He said to Agoti. "OH". He said in surprise, "His name is Zpade and he has this really cool beast thing, it's name is Nugget! He let me rid..."
Tabi zoned out, his question was answered but he felt a little scared when he said 'beast thing'. "Hey are you listening?" Tabi snapped out of it, to meet Agoti's annoyed face. "We should get packing." Agoti sprung up and ran to the door. "Cya in a bit". Agoti waved as he went out of the door. Tabi sighed and though more about this Spade guy.
He brushed it off, can't judge a book by its cover, I guess. He though, he got up and started packing.
(Time skip, after he is done packing)
When he was finished, he took his duffle bag full of his belongings. He started to head out the door, yet.. he was feeling kinda bored... so he planted a few bombs around his apartment. He lastly did the kitchen and remembered his food."oh- well I'm still hungry." He snatched it out of the microwave and headed out the door.
He knocked on Agoti's door and he answered, wearing his addias back pack that he used for travel.
He said that spade would be here in few seconds.
Seconds? What does h-
His thoughts where suddenly interrupted by a large earth quake. While he was recovering from the shake, he looked up to see a giant, whited furred beast will millions of teeth. He stumbled back a bit and grabbed his exploding-thing and before he could press the button, Agoti stopped him. "DUDE! YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WE WERE GONNA BLOW THIS PLACE WITHO-". "HUSH" Agoti was suddenly interrupted. "Right-". Tabi looked at the creature again and soon enough, Agoti was playing fetch with the beast, he was using a big log. That he can barely throw. The beast chased after it. Tabi saw a person standing behind Agoti drinking some Sprite. He laughed when Agoti fell trying to throw the stick again. The figure helped him up. Tabi made his way over to them. But he was suddenly interrupted by police sirens. Agoti and the figure heard it too, they both got on the creature and ran past him, but he was yanked on top of the creature."Bruh- you zone out too much man". His eyes where squinted shut, he felt fur and opened his eyes, he almost fell but someone caught him and pulled him back up."Careful, hang on". Someone said in a voice that sounded quite familiar. His eyes bursted open, to see infront of him was the back of a beast's head and a spike that was not too sharp, but sharp enough to cut him, he felt his insides jump when they leaped from building to building. He felt a presents behind him and his head shot backwards. He met a face.. a scarred face. "This is Spade," Agoti said from the back behind him, "Sup nice to meet you now hold on." Spade said quickly as they dove into and alley way. Spade got off of the beast and stretched."Damn, we haven't had a run like that in a while, huh bud?". The creature responded in a exhale of air. Tabi got off slowly, still in shock and trying to process what just happened. Agoti slid down from the creatures back."Tabi, you ok man? You seem.. off lately.". Agoti said putting his hand on Tabi's shoulder. Tabi blushed but quickly calmed himself. "I'm fine, just processing shit". Agoti nudged him. "Why don't you have an official meeting with Spade?". He said as Spade walked towards them. "Sup, names Spade. And this here," He patted the beast's floating arms."is Nugget,". Spade held his hand out for Tabi to shake it.
Tabi took the offer and shook his hand back. "Well hello Spade, I'm Tabi." Spade nodded at the name."That's a badass name, I liked Agoti's". He said jokingly while nudging his arm. Agoti acted dramatic, "oH hOw DaRe YoU". He grabbed a rock and threw it at Spade it hit his arm. He laughed it off. "So, I heard that y'all need a place to crash at? Correct?" Spade said. "Well, i have my boyfriend's house, though i need his approval before i bring some random ass people in there." He said, slightly joking. "I'll call him now and see if y'all can stay for a few." He said with a smile, petting nugget while he slept "Thank you vary much Spade," Agoti said, "this little bitch right here," He pointed at Tabi. "Blew up an entire god damn restaurant!". Agoti said in a dramatically wowed voice. Tabi sighed and rubbed his goat skull."That's hella badass". Spade said in amusement. Tabi pulled his explosive button and pushed it. And explosion was heard in the back ground, smoke and screams filled the air. Spade stood there in awe, watching the smoke rise and disappear into the air. "SUPER BADASS!!" He said in awe. a
As he watched them more. Agoti smiled, proud that his best friend was commiting more genocide. "Your a good friend Tabi," Agoti said hugging him. Tabi's face was bright red. He knew this feeling and he knew what it was...

He has developed a crush on his best friend.

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