Authors Note

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Hi my lovelies, 

How are you today?

This is the first book that I have written all by myself and I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. 

Soooo here is....

Now and Forever 

Please let me know what you think by commenting and starring (if that what its called) your favourite parts. I'll let you know what my fav parts are (probably all the smut scenes ngl hehe)



~Mature content

I mean you guys are probably all here for all the 18+ parts anyway... i mean I definitely would be amongst other things likeeeee

- The sexual tension

- The toxic, protective male 

- the mafia romance 

- The forbidden romance trope ig (idk you guys lmk what trope you think it is at the end) 

But i mean I think i'm a bit biased because I wrote it but still 

Here's the aesthetics of the main characters -------->

Sebastian Grey:

Sebastian Grey:

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Alexis Camden:

Alexis Camden:

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If you guys found my book on tiktok then I love you because you logged off of one addictive app to another one so thank youuuu

And if you found my book because it magically popped up orrr it was recommended to you then I love youuu because this was obvs fate so thank youuu

Speaking of tiktok... you should follow me there. @thedevils_wife ( i'll prolly post sneak peeks) 

Speaking of sneak peeks... spoil and you get muted (and i'll prolly get my peanut and pebbles army to attack you so beware) 

Anddd you should go follow my new insta @thedevils_wifey

What should I post on there? 

But anywaysssss

You guys are all so kind, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, funny and you are officially my besties. So thank you for reading besties. 

Where r u guys from (i'm curious) and what are ur pronouns (also cause im curious hehe) 

I'm from England (I actually don't like tea tho) and my pronouns are She/her. 

What's ur fav way to read a book? 

I love reading with music and popcorn cause i only read books that are spicy and full of drama (cause they're the ultimate besttt). 

But anyway enough of my waffle ( I ac talk too much)... love you guys to pieces enjoy the book. 

Tell me what you loveeeeee about it. 

I'm not opposed to constructive criticism orrrr ur thoughts on the book so message me on insta if u want  xxx

Anyway enjoyyyy 


p.s. If there's drama i wanna see it so @ me annnnndddd make sure to vote 

okay bye now xx

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