Chapter 34- First Dates

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This one is a long one ngl... I hope you enjoy it tho 

(Don't forget to comment and vote x) 


Sebastian hasn't talked to me in pretty much a week. To be fair to him though, I haven't talked to him either.

So, once again, I'm stuck at my desk at the office, doing nothing but spinning around in circles because all that I can think of is Sebastian.

'Hi Alexis.' Someone says to me whilst I'm mid spin.

I stop my chair and look in the direction the voice came from.

Blue eyes, long blonde hair. Scarlett.

'Hi Scarlett.' I look behind me at Lucia's office door. 'Why are you here, I've never seen you around the office before.'

'Oh,' She says with a smile. 'Emergency. I have to tell Luci something and she won't pick up her phone so... and I'm not allowed here unless it's for emergencies, so here I am.'

'Oh okay.'

'Is she in there?' She says pointing at Lucia's door.

'Yeah and I don't think she's busy, so you could go straight in.' I say

She goes to leave, but then stops and looks at me. She smiles. 'Are you okay?' She asks.

'Yeah I'm fine.' I say in return.

She raises her eyebrow. 'Really?'

'Yep, I'm good.'

She narrows her eyes. 'Boy trouble?'

I think my face gives away whatever's going through my head. I'm half nodding and half being very surprised that she can just guess my problems.

She sits on the side of my desk. 'Don't be surprised, I have kids. I can suss out all your issues if I wanted.'

Lucia has children. Children and Lucia. Lucia and children. Nope, I can't see it.

Eugh. Poor children.

'What, Lucia didn't tell you we had kids?'

I shake my head. 'Nope.'

She laughs. 'Typical Luci.' Then she sighs. 'Tell me about him. The boy, or man. Whatever you want to call him.'

I shrug. 'There's not much to say. I told him I was falling in love with him, and he said he loved me back but he's not talked to me in the last week. And I'm not too sure if I've done something wrong.'

'Why would you have done something wrong hun?'

'I don't know. Shouldn't he have texted me, at least?'

'Shouldn't you have texted him?' She says.


She holds up her finger. 'No buts young lady. It's a new era, if you want to talk to him, you text him.'

'You know, maybe you're right.' I say.

She smiles. 'I know I'm right.' She gets up off my desk. 'Know your worth Alexis, you haven't got to wait on anyone, to live your life because at the end of the day, It is your life.'

She doesn't wait for me to reply, she just places her hand on my shoulder and then walks towards Lucia's door.

I definitely like Scarlett way more than Lucia. The two of them are like yin and yang.

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