Chapter 8- Dating

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'Hey.' I say tentatively into the phone.

'Hey.' Theo says back.

'Listen, I'm really sorry I missed bowling on Saturday. It was really shitty of me to not turn up.'

'Alexis, it's okay. Are you okay? I know you wouldn't miss it unless something serious was happening.'

To be honest, I'm kind of shocked by his reply. 'Yeah, I'm okay,' I pause, should I lie? 'Lucia called me in...there was an important meeting she wanted me at the last minute. I turned off my phone, I'm so sorry.'

'That late?' He asks

I shouldn't have lied. 'Yeah, she only works when she wants to, I suppose.'

I wait for him to reply. He doesn't. The silence gives me the odd impression that he can see right through me.

'Are you okay though? Was bowling okay?' I ask

'Yeah, I'm fine, bowling was fine,' He stops. 'It would've been better with you there.'

I look down and close my eyes. He's really doing his best at making me feel guilty. 'Can we maybe set another date... I'm free tonight?'

'That would be nice. Yeah, tonights good too.'

I sigh. 'Good. Dinner?'

'Yeah sure. 6 okay?'

'Yeah, it's perfect.'

'Do you want me to pick you up?'

'No, I'll meet you there, I've got a meeting with Lucia.'

'Another one.' He says

'Yeah... another one.'

He tells me he'll send the address, I say okay and we hang up the phone.

The meeting with Lucia is not a lie. I'm literally prepping myself to go into her office right now. I literally spent the whole of Sunday typing up the article on Sebastian and I only sent it in an hour before now. I'm either getting fired or praised and I think I'm so nervous that I might have a heart attack no matter which one.

I get up, walk to Lucia's office and knock on her door.

'Come in.' She says. She doesn't sound happy at all.

I take a deep breath and step in. 'Lucia.' I say with a nod. I move to take a seat but she stops me.

'You're not going to be here for long,' she says as she hands me a wad of paper whilst looking at her computer. 'I need you to go see Mr Grey again. Get him to sign that.' She says gesturing at the booklet she just gave me.

'What is it?'

'I don't know why that concerns you, but since you're so curious, it's an agreement form for him to sit for the cover.'

'So you're publishing the article.'

'Yes, Alexis. Your article shall be published,' She turns to look me in the eye 'It was better than I thought it would be. Very... different to how others would view him. Keep it up.' She turns back to the computer screen, signifying that the meeting is over.

'Sorry, now?'

She looks at me like she's said it one hundred times before. 'Yes Alexis. Now.' She shakes her head. I nod mine and leave.


I decided that maybe the best bet is for me to change into an outfit for dinner with Theo before going to see Sebastain. So I'm not late. I pulled on my white bodycon dress and leave my hair down. The dress just about reaches my knees but shows off the body I worked hard for. It's modest and sexy. Perfect.

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