Chapter 37- Shopping

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I feel better. I mean, at least I think I feel better. I haven't had much time to think about how I feel since Alice has been yapping away in my ear for the last hour.

The first thing she said when she walked through my front door was that she was going to call me an AC generator.

Mainly because of my initials, Alexis Camden, A.C and also because it's funny. Apparently.

Alice has a serious issue.

'Alexis, will you snap out of your daze, I'm telling you something important.' She says, clicking her fingers in my face.

I push her hand away. 'What are you telling me?'

She looks at me annoyed. 'I was saying that I'm dropping out of school.'


She shrugs and looks down at her hands. 'Because I'm bored?'

'Why are you asking me that as a question? Alice, do you have a good reason why you're dropping out of college.'

'No, It's just that, you're out here living your life and I still don't have a good-'

I hold my hand up to stop her. 'Alice, that's because I finished my education. What are you even going to do as a job if you drop out?'

'I don't know, freelance.'

'Freelance what?'

'Alexis, leave me alone. I literally just decided to drop out, I don't have a whole life plan.'

I sigh. 'You brought it up.'

She rolls her eyes and then claps her hands together. 'Can we go, I want to show you my new car.'

'Okay, but before we go, we have to go see Lucia.'

'Why? I thought you were off.'

'I am, but she wants me to drop something off for her.'

'Alexis, you're off work. Doesn't she have a personal assistant to do that?'

'Shush, let's go. It'll take two seconds.' I say as I grab my stuff and head for the door.

When we get outside, I notice Alice's car almost immediately. I can't tell the brand, but the car is a shiny black colour and the handles... well the handles are painted in pink. Bright pink.

I stop infront if the car. 'Alice.'

'Yup.' She says.

'What's that?' I say pointing at the handle.

She opens her car door. 'It's a car handle. Do you like it? I painted it all by myself. Contrasting colours and everything, I think it looks so good. It matches the inside too.'

My eyes widen. This better be Alice's forever car because there is no way she would ever be able to sell it, at this rate.

I pull open the door and peek inside.

Literally everywhere I look is pink. She's taken it upon herself to cover the ceiling of her car in pink fur. The mirrors have pink rims and are decorated with plastic green vines. The seats have pink covers. It's all pink.

I pull my head out of the car and stand up straight. Alice is looking at expectantly with a grin on her face.

'Alice, are you a barbie?'

She tilts her head and looks at me disappointed. 'That's rude Lexi.' Then she crosses her arms across her chest. 'And it's also sexist.'

'How is that sexist Alice? I'm just asking because it seems like you just drove out of the dream house garage.'

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