Chapter 20- Funfair

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I'm standing with a huge stick of cotton candy, watching Theo win me my 5th teddy. I glance at the child next to me, she looks at the brink of tears. I suppose Theo is stealing all her fun. I tap him on the shoulder and point towards the little girl. 'We should go.' I whisper.

He smiles at her and nods. He goes to take my hand but I stop him. 'One second.'

I hand him the cotton candy and the pile of teddies that I've lugging around for the last two hours. I pick the biggest one from the pile, bend down and pass it to her. She looks at me wide eyed. 'Thank you.' She whispers, a small smile spreading on her face.

I grin. 'That's okay. It's for all your hard work.'

She grins back at me and runs towards her parents. As I stand back up, Theo envelopes me in a kiss. When we pull apart he looks at me and smiles. 'You're too nice.' He says with a shake of his head.

I smile back. Apart from the noise and the tiny crying children, I quite like being a funfairs. I'll have to agree with Theo. They do make me a nicer person.

He leads me towards a ferris wheel and we clamber on.

'This is my favourite ride in the park, you know.'

I turn to face him. 'Yeah?'

He nods. He reaches for my hand, and I let him take it. We both turn towards the park. I scan the park. It's bright and colourful. The screams of joy. I smile. My eyes flick past the faces in the crowd. Everyone looks content. Except for one person. He's leaning against a wall, his hands in his pockets and his face set in an angry glare as he watches the wheel go round. His eyes snap to mine and the anger seems to literally melt away. A familiar smirk settles on his face.

My brain can't work quick enough. Sebastian salutes me from across the park, pushing himself off the wall. I glare at him and give him a rightfully earned middle finger. All he does is laugh and disappear into the crowd. I sit back in my seat with a huff.

'Are you okay?' Theo asks next to me.

I nod at him. I'm too annoyed to talk. Sebastian doesn't get to just turn up and wreck my private life. I turn to Theo, 'When we get down, could you get me another one of these.' I wave around the stick that held the cotton candy. 'Please.' I say, my voice teetering on the edge of being sickly sweet.

'Yeah, of course Lexi.' He kisses my cheek.

I smile again. The ride comes to a stop and we get off.

'I'll be right back.' He whispers in my ear.

Just as soon as Theo leaves, Sebastian turns up. I feel his hand close around my wrist as he drags me away from the ferris wheel and closer to the wall where he was standing.

I shake him off me. 'Why are you here?' I snap at him.

'What do you mean, I'm here to have fun.' He looks around. 'I just love being around sticky, smelly, crying children.' His voice is dripping with so much sarcasm it's impossible to not pick it up but his face stays entirely innocent.

'Sebastian. Why can't you just leave me alone.'

'Alexis, you can't expect me to leave you here, with him.'

'He's my boyfriend Sebastian, I'm not going to keep going behind his back with you.' I tip my head to the side, eyebrows raised. 'Plus, how on earth could he hurt me?'

He steps forward. 'Anyone can hurt anyone Alexis.' Then he puts his hands on my waist and presses me against the wall. He brings his face so close I'm convinced he's going to kiss me, then he says. 'Plus, I don't care that he's your boyfriend.'

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