🫧 ✶⋆⊰ 𝟎𝟐𝟓 ⊱꙳⚘ 🍼

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𝟐𝟓. ⍢⌠ 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕙𝕦𝕙

Only God knows the anguish I felt that afternoon when my mother walked through that door followed by all those agents accusing Oliver of kidnapping, as if he were a criminal.

It was my fault, I decided to run away, nobody made me, am an adult, my parents are no longer fully responsible for me.

September 2nd.

Rachel ━━━ Rebecca? — she said walking in with some agents behind her, Oliver and I looked at each other and then at her.

How did she find us?

Rebecca ━━━ what are you doing here mom?

Rachel ━━━ what do you mean? I'm your mother, I almost died, how can you be so ungrateful with your own parents, what sick love is this that you feel for Oliver?

Oliver ━━━ let's calm down ma'am.

Rachel ━━━ I'm talking to my daughter not you, sucker — I could see the fury in her eyes — you left me in that place Rebecca, I've been looking for you like crazy, and now I find you in a hospital, with my granddaughter on your arms, did you intend to run away, disappear, without even saying goodbye to the people who put you in the world?

Rebecca ━━━ mom, I apologize, but what if I told you that I intended to run away with Oliver this whole time but you screwed up when I try to run away? Your granddaughter is here now ━━━ I said protecting  Olivia ━━━ aren't you happy that I became a mother?

Rachel ━━━ this boy kidnapped my girl, arrest him now!

Rebecca ━━━ are you crazy mom, have you lost your mind once and for all?

The agents who were going to enter that room earlier were about to handcuff Oliver, I was scared.

Rebecca ━━━ he didn't kidnap me, I ran away with him, I'm of legal age and I can decide what to do mom. Stop with this immediately!

October 2nd

I turned off the baby monitor and ran into the bedroom to find out why she was crying. I took her out of the crib and put her in my arms, but nothing stopped her from crying.

I checked the diaper and it wasn't full, so she could only be hungry. I sat in the armchair that is near the crib, I put her on the pillow after putting it on me.

It's 4 am and while dad is sleeping very peacefully, I have to walk with her on my arms, side to side so she can sleep again.

Oliver ━━━ is she okay? — he asked as he entered the room, kissed his daughter's head and sat down in the armchair next to me — was she hungry?

Rebecca ━━━ Yeah, I saw her diaper and it was fine.

Oliver ━━━ I'm sorry I didn't wake up earlier to help you.

Rebecca ━━━ It's okay baby.

Oliver ━━━ You look tired.

Rebecca ━━━ I'm dying of tiredness, but there's nothing I can do, I'm her mother. — gave me a little kiss — I still feel a little pain when I breastfeed her.

Oliver ━━━ I'm so sorry, don't hurt your mama, princess — he kissed Olivia's head — she's almost asleep.

Rebeca ━━━ I think she will wake up when we put her in her crib.

17 Years and Pregnant ❝ 𝔒𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔶 ❞Where stories live. Discover now