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I decided to try myself at an Uzuzen Highschool AU.

The roles are the usual: Uzui as the art teacher and Zenitsu, a student in his last year, who is also in the school committee. Zenitsu is 18 years old, which I don't consider underage. (Especially considering the legal age of consent being (outrageously) 13 in Japan.)

The rating may change along the chapters, I am considering adding smut later on but I am not sure. Another possibility would be the creation of a series and adding the spicy goodness later on ;)

Massive thanks to my lovely Beta @neoconservatism0nive ! <3

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Agatsuma Zenitsu had had a lot of crushes in his life.

For example, there was Kamado Nezuko, the sweet little sister of his best friend. He had met her once she started school a year under him, and had been struck by her beauty immediately. She had pale, yet healthy looking skin, hair as black as charcoal, and the most unique and stunning eyes he'd ever seen on a real person. They were the color of cherry blossoms, a pretty pale pink, that had Zenitsu declare Spring his favorite season within a second. Out of all the women he had ever seen in his life, (and most likely the ones he'll ever have seen in the future), she would probably forever remain the most gorgeous one.
But Nezuko was not only a real looker, she had a great personality to boot. She was confident in herself, gentle and caring, and oh so protective over her friends and family. Zenitsu knew that she'd make an incredible mother in the future, yet, sadly, never to his children. Because after trailing behind Nezuko like a lovesick puppy for literal months, she eventually found the heart to reject him. She let him down slowly and gently, which was so much like her, but hurt Zenitsu nonetheless.

Now, one thing one should know is that Zenitsu wasn't one to give up - well, that's a lie, Zenitsu often gave up before even trying - yet not when it came to love related matters. He took the rejection like a real man - right after many sessions of ugly-crying, frustrated yelling and consuming way too much junk food for a week straight - until he finally decided it was time to move on. They remained as good friends, the best possible decision, considering she was still the sister of his best friend, and his affection towards Nezuko turned into one of a more familial nature. At some point, Zenitsu began seeing her as his sister and decided to protect her from the annoying, buzzing male mosquitoes Spring brought around until she was at least twenty years old.

Having found a win in the situation, it, of course, wouldn't stop there. Zenitsu never had a long period in his life in which he didn't get his heart broken at least once a year.
The difference this time? It wasn't a pretty girl he was into, but a pretty dude. Enter Zenitsu's very first bi-panic: Hashibira Inosuke.

Inosuke was the complete opposite of his usual type; he was loud (even though Zenitsu was that, too), boisterous, obnoxious, easily lost his temper, and was an absolute idiot on top. Not only was he an idiot, though, but a total himbo - the definition of one. Inosuke had the prettiest face the blond had ever seen on a guy. It was uncharacteristically feminine and didn't match Inosuke's attitude or body at all. Not only did he behave like a beastly macho, he also looked like one with his stupidly big biceps, strong big hands and the most defined abs a guy their age could possibly have. Never before had Zenitsu met such a muscular guy, the men in his dreams and the magazines he used to secretly read not counting, and his bi awakening happened after Inosuke successfully forced his way into their small cycle.
From then on, Zenitsu caught himself staring at the boar head more and more. It was really difficult not to, considering Inosuke always wore his damn shirt unbuttoned and showcased his glorious chest for everyone to see. It was kinda weird, especially considering the strict uniform regulations of their school, but with that view and his brute strength, no one really complained after the first few incidents took place. Hell, even Winter couldn't stop him - Inosuke had an incredible body heat that the blond could swear was palpable a few feet away. Mixed with that energetic and hot-headed attitude, Zenitsu couldn't help but think of Summer, a hot day at the beach, water fights in the sea and some barbecue afterwards. Maybe it was due to that, that it didn't bother Zenitsu, despite being part of the student council. What did bother him, although, was Inosuke's shitty personality. Despite the headaches and irritation the idiot caused, he, at least for quite some time, understood what the appeal of these 'bad boy types' was, that all the girls in their class kept gushing over.

Only once Zenitsu returned to his (barely) rational mind and the hormones had died somewhat down, Inosuke's constant behavior, (that of a wild animal), eventually killed the ugly little butterflies in Zenitsu's stomach off for good, leaving only some simple sexual attraction behind. It may not have been the best thing to feel for a friend, but it definitely was much better than another month filled with nothing but tears and weight-gain. After all, Zenitsu was fairly content with his slim-thick figure for once, (Tanjirou especially complimented his thighs and legs, which was totally normal from a best friend, thank you very much.), even though he wouldn't parade it around like Inosuke did.

And then, well... with the newfound possibilities of the same gender, Zenitsu's overthinking kicked in and his view of men, his few friends alike, shifted. Suddenly, Kamado Tanjirou wasn't just his best friend anymore, but a guy that was actually date-able.

Naturally, Zenitsu spent a lot of time with his best friend, especially after having discovered his crush on Tanjirou's sister. Much like Nezuko, he was a pure-hearted soul. Wherever he went, he outshone the sun and created an atmosphere of calmness and safety. No one could take the role as the oldest brother as well as him. And, of course, just like Nezuko, he was blessed with incredible genes. Tanjirou was handsome, and not just in the grandma 'Oh, what a handsome young man you are!' way. Tanjirou was absolutely smoking hot: Tall, strong, and the right amount of muscular thanks to his strict kendo practice, with big, calloused hands,and a touch so gentle it couldn't harm the most fragile thing. Then there's his boyish face that didn't seem to know many negative expressions, and his burgundy hair, matching maroon eyes that had Zenitsu reminiscent about warm fires, dark red leaves falling from the trees and collecting chestnuts with his gramps in Autumn...
How could Zenitsu not crush on him?

Back then, Tanjirou had been his first real friend, fast turned best friend, that actually cared about him. He didn't use Zenitsu or make fun of him for crying so much, he didn't mock him for his anxiety and irrational thoughts, for his overthinking or the tendency to belittle himself. He never accused Zenitsu of being an attention seeker or a nuisance. Quite the opposite; he simply, genuinely cared. He comforted and reassured, embraced whenever needed. For that reason, Tanjirou would forever be one kind of a man; the kind every parent would instantly love and dote on if their child brought him home. He'd always have a special place in his heart, one that no one would ever be able to replace or repair would Tanjirou ever be fed up with him and decide that the blond wouldn't simply be worth it anymore. Thus, Zenitsu chose the wisest decision and kept his feelings for himself, no matter how hard he was crushing and actually falling for his best friend. Risking the chance of romantic love blossoming between them for the possible loss and wilting of Tanjirou's platonic affection? Fuck no. That was never gonna happen.

Alas, it didn't stop there. It never stopped for Zenitsu.

Not only did it seem like his type was, well, basically anyone that breathed and didn't look too shabby, Zenitsu had to throw his own morals out of the window, as well.
Falling for someone way older than him, and a person of authority at that, was something he would have never expected of himself.

"Fuck.", Zenitsu thought to himself, "I'm crushing on my art teacher.".

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