Ch. 6

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"Come to my place tomorrow after school.", Uzui said, long fingers gliding through soft blond strands of hair. "Y-Your place?", Zenitsu's voice was nervous and unsure, face flushed the entire time since the kiss some time ago. It's been nearly an hour since then.
How embarrassing. He had fainted after french kissing his art teacher.

He still isn't sure how they found themselves on the ground, backs leaning against the wooden desk, with Uzui touching him, patting his cheeks or hair. The lack of fresh bruises or pain told him, that Uzui must have caught him before hitting the floor. He was grateful, yet highly humiliated nevertheless. The older man didn't make it better by teasing him about it either. Talking about how he made everyone's knees weak after all. Zenitsu had only rolled his eyes at that.

"Mhm. We should definitely talk about... this.", Uzui gesticulated between them, "In private.". The blond nodded in understanding. They definitely had a lot of talking to do.
"That is only if you want to... this, I mean." He repeated the motion once more, prompting Zenitsu to nod curtly. His voice was hushed, yet sure: "Yes, I want to...".
The taller man smiled down at him, fuchsia eyes sparkling with fortune.

Thus, Zenitsu found himself on Uzui's comfortable couch, way too big for someone living alone. He felt tiny on the grey cushions, underestimating Uzui's actual height once more.
He had been nervous since he's gotten there half an hour ago, hands shaking and heart fluttering lightly in his chest.
The whole apartment smelled of the other man, and it drove him insane quickly. The furnitute he was able to see looked expensive, and Zenitsu was surprised how clean the apartment was. He wondered if Uzui cleaned up nicely especially for him. His face reddened at the thought.

Uzui kept sneaking glances at the blond, sitting mere inches beside him, leaving a respectful gap between them. He didn't want Zenitsu to feel uncomfortable or pressured into being there. He couldn't remember when the last time was, that he was nervous like that. Because of a potential lover as well.
They both drowned out the music that was playing in the background over Uzui's sinfully expensive stereo.
The two of them had to grin upon discovering, that they liked the same bands and even shared a few favorite songs.

Uzui glanced to his glass table, noticing the still full cup of tea. "Do you want to drink something else?". Zenitsu stared up to him, following his line of vision shortly after. "Ah! No!", exclaimed the blond suddenly. He reached for the tea, inhaling its peachy scent, promptly tasting it. He hummed in content, still holding the cup tightly. It was sweet and aromatic. "It's good.".
Uzui smirked at him: "Only the most exquisite things for you.".
Zenitsu flushed once more. "Shut up.", he mumbled silently.
The other man chuckled lightly, brushing a strand of blond hair out of Zenitsu's face. He couldn't help himself but touch the choppy hair once every while.

The younger man finally set the cup back down on it's coaster, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.
"What did you want to talk about... exactly..?". His voice was barely more than a whisper and Uzui turned a bit, knees touching Zenitsu's own, arm leaning casually against the backrest. Zenitsu was amazed on how casual Uzui was behaving.
Like this, they could lock eyes comfortably, more than appropriate for the following topic. It was important and serious for both of them after all.

The man scratched his neck shortly, white hair framing his handsome face beautifully. He hummed in a deep tone, thinking on how to start this conversation.
"It's important that you're honest with me and tell me, if something makes you feel uncomfortable.". Fuchsia eyes stared intensely into honeyed ones, waiting for confirmation from the blond. He gave it by nodding, still fiddling with his fingers in a nervous manner.
"What exactly do you expect from this?", the question sounded harsh, but was long due. Zenitsu swallowed, lump forming in his throat.
What did he expect of this? He honestly didn't even think he'd ever get this far to begin with. He initially just wanted to get over his crush and move onto the next one, like usual.

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