Ch. 8

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Cold wind blew through the streets, inviting red leafs to an elegant dance, dragging them across the pavement. Rain dropped from heavy clouds sporadically, coloring everything in a deeper shade, and making the outside even more uncomfortable.

It was Sunday afternoon, and the streets were fairly empty. A silent patter could be heard, as raindrops began hitting the cold windows. The noise got drowned out by the TV, which was replaying episodes of different dramas that had aired the past week.

Zenitsu was snuggled against Uzui's strong chest. They felt lazy and decided to stay in bed. Furthermore, the blond's body felt heavy, and his hips ached uncomfortably due to last night's activities. He felt content nonetheless.
His fingers fiddled with Uzui's, stroking over them and inviting them to play around. His fingertips brushed over freshly manicured nails, polished in green and Bordeaux. He had been meaning to ask Uzui about it for some time now, but never dared to, fearing it to be an idiotic question.

Today was a day to be an idiot, he decided.
"Uzui?", he started, voice low to keep this feeling of intimacy and closure, "Why do you paint your nails?". His boyfriend was surprised by the question, gaze trailing down to the blond. Fuchsia met honey, and Zenitsu worried his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Because it's flamboyant, of course!", exclaimed Uzui proudly. He raised his right hand, taking it out of his lover's hold, and examined it. "You don't like it or what?". He sent him a sassy smirk. "'Cus I sure do know that you weren't complaining last night.".

Zenitsu punched him into the gut. Hard.

Uzui coughed loudly, shock hardly contained, with his eyes wide open. Before he could even start bullying his boyfriend, Zenitsu spoke up.
"It suits you. I was just curious, 's all.". His cheeks turned rosy, and Uzui would've nearly forgiven him then and there.
The man settled back down into the comfortable position on the pillows he had before, prompting Zenitsu to lay back down as well, this time on the other's shoulder. Big hands grasped his own gently, and now it was Uzui's turn to fiddle with stubby fingers. They were so tiny next to his own. Cute.

"I like flamboyant and flashy things.", Uzui began in a husky voice, underlying emotions in it, they both couldn't name. Zenitsu knew it wasn't something positive for sure, it sounded unlike him. He resented it.
"When I was younger, I wasn't able to express myself the way I wanted to. My father... wasn't a nice man, you know?". The blond nodded, not understanding what exactly his lover meant. "I don't like boring and plain things because of that. I prefer flashy all the way. I always did. Now I am able to express it freely.". Uzui shrugged his shoulders casually, heart rate going back to normalcy, and Zenitsu felt a sense of relief washing over him.

Their eyes met once more, and the taller man smirked down at him.

"That's why I like you.".

To further accentuate his point, Uzui licked over his teeth, a predatory glint in his gorgeous eyes. Zenitsu gulped, not expecting the sudden confession.

His face flushed again, and he averted his gaze. "Y-You better.", he stuttered out. 'Like a damn virgin.', he thought, annoyed at himself, 'Oh wait, not anymore. Uzui didn't do such a good job then.'.
If the other man was able to read thoughts, he'd be dead by now for sure.

Zenitsu steered his thoughts into a different direction, towards incoming adoration, affection and most importantly praise. He shouldn't be surprised, that he loved being spoiled so much, really.

"Why do you even like me?". The blond meant for the question to sound confident, perhaps even arrogant, he was fishing for compliments, after all. Yet, it came out weak and insecure instead. Great, not even pretending was a strong suit of his.

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